What Role should you play for Thanksgiving?

erin mcconlogue
My Team Role
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2021

Trick question…we need all 7. As you read this list you’ll recognize your natural tendencies and might be inspired to try more [or less] of a Role!

Let’s go!

You know the feeling of a great holiday… and you probably know the reverse too. Holiday’s bring up lots of emotions. Maybe you’re just excited for the break!! Or, maybe you’re thinking about…

What will we talk about at the dinner table?

Why wasn’t Uncle Steve invited?

Who’s gonna do all the work?

Will everyone feel comfortable?

Let’s see how all the Roles help make it a lovely holiday.

If you saw the list of above questions and thought, “Wow, I haven’t even thought about Thanksgiving or any of these questions!” Then it’s time to consider the Prophet. And it’s often good to start with the Prophet.

PREDICT the outcome.

What’s going to happen Friday? How do you want everyone to feel on Friday? What do you want to do differently or intentionally this year? Think like a Prophet and start with the end in mind and set an intention for the Holiday.

GET what you need.

Organizer Role makes the plan. Ideally, this is done in a team. What’s needed from the store (and by when). What can you bring to the table when it’s the day? What can you plan ahead?

DO something!

Even if you’re not the host, play Implementor to take action. Idle is not the state of mind and there is always something to do. Clean the dishes in the sink? Help Aunt Stacy find the house? Step in the kitchen and start chopping.

LISTEN to people.

Conceptualizer Role approaches conversation thoughtfully and patiently. What have you learned over the past year? Listen first and listen like an investigator. Share your own considerations over the past year and engage in attentive conversation. This should be sprinkled all throughout Thanksgiving when the moment allows. While stirring gravy with Grandma, ask where her recipe was from and how she learned to make it.


Luminary Role brings fun, liveliness, laughter, and tells masterful stories. Lightheartedly lead, engage and bring life into the room. Start a funny game. Tell an embarrassing story. Luminary’s are bold and dynamic. Step into this Role to create fun and fantastic memories!

Okay, it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt, or left out.

Team Builder’s remember to empathize and INCLUDE.

Team Builder Role would notice who’s sitting alone and engage them. What’s troubling someone and can you help them?

You’re probably wondering… what else could possibly be involved during Thanksgiving? We covered it all!


What strategic connections or conversations should you be having? The Investor Role would consider, what value can we create through this time spent? Maybe you and your brother are discussing buying real estate together? Or you can help your cousin find a new job?

Okay, lots of options for Thanksgiving! Look at the recap below and find what you normally do each year then decide what you’re going to do intentionally this year! I dare you to try something you don’t normally do. You might surprise yourself with a fantastic Holiday.

PREDICT — Prophet. Design a clear and confident vision for the holiday.

GET — Organizer. Plan, set it up and get things ready.

DO — Implementor. Take action. Serve.

LISTEN — Conceptualizer. Share. Be attentive in conversation.

LAUGH — Luminary. Make. It. Fun.

INCLUDE — Team Builder. Emotionally meet people where they’re at.

CONNECT — Investor. Make the time spent valuable.

This year I’m going to GET (since I’m normally terrible at Organizer). I’m off to the store to get the ingredients for some fabulous Jalapeno cranberry sauce! Let me know if you want the recipe. ;)

And of course…LAUGH. Let’s have some fun and spread some love.

Happy Thanksgiving with LOVE.

-Lumiere Sciences Team

