Cougar and Auto-focus Fail

Joshua Wright
My Terrible Photographs
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1 min readApr 24, 2016

I’m learning that I need to be faster at using manual focus for those moments when you have an opportunity for a shot, and auto-focus just lets you down.

Wow, what a great picture of a tree.

The cougar popped his head around the tree where I was setup, and I took the shot. I was in the shade, so ISO was 640 and the shutter was 1/400 with f/3.2. This would have been a great shot of the cougar and his eyes… except for auto-focus landing on the big tree in the foreground.

During this shoot I used manual focus a lot to capture animals behind shrubbery in the foreground, but had switched to auto-focus momentarily. Unfortunately, the cougar left right after this and I didn’t get another chance at the shot.

Note to self: get faster at using manual focus, and recognize those situations where auto-focus will let you down (like when a big tree in the foreground fills half the shot).

