Thesis Advisor First Meeting

I shared my last prototype presentation and thesis project progress with my thesis advisor Katherine Fisher, who is guiding in the right direction and helping me to narrow down my area of focus. Here is the summary of her feedback.

Paula Daneze
Local Biz Collective
2 min readFeb 4, 2019


1. Narrow down the objective of the workshop and ask business owners:

  • Increase community engagement
  • Collaborate on solving a challenge together
  • Support and access to tools and resources

2. The prototype of follow-up meetings:

  • Ask small business owners to reflect, what’s the value of these workshops to them?
  • What are their barriers to completing tasks?
  • Define their vision, what does success look like 5/10 years from now?

3. Redefine my personas and their needs:

  • Small business owners
  • Advocate (non-profit helping small businesses)
  • BID board member

4. Create a wider survey to discover business owners aspirations, mindsets, and behavior to define better the personas.

5. Make a list of Insights (what business owners want/need) → Criteria (what my service is doing) → Feature (tangible form/what are the tools + resources)

6. BID (Business Improvement District:

  • Talk to someone at BID
  • List the pros and cons of the BID for small businesses

7. Presentation narrative: use a specific use case

8. Refine problem and how might we statement

9. Define the theory of change

Theory of Change funnel sketch by Katherine Fisher

10. Create a framework to help make sense of my existing data (interviews, workshops, class feedback, secondary research), use tools like Airtable.

Here are few resources she shared:



Paula Daneze
Local Biz Collective

Interaction Designer and MFA Interaction Design Student at the School of Visual Arts