User Testing plan

Plan & Script

Paula Daneze
Local Biz Collective
3 min readMar 11, 2019


Photo by David Travis on Unsplash


  • Conduct one-on-one interviews with the target audience.
  • Card sorting of the meetings and workshop’s activities.


  • Small business owners, who I interviewed and/or participate in the previous workshops.
  • Small business owners, who I haven’t met yet and replied to my last survey.


Audio recording, photos, and note-taking.


  1. Learn if the users understand the concept and purpose of the toolkit based on the voice and tone of the website and materials.
  2. Learn what would entice users to learn more about the toolkit and continue using the tools.
  3. Learn what could be a barrier to business owners accessing the tools.
  4. Improve the design and usability of the tools and website.
  5. Capture user ideas and feedback.



Thanks for your time today. I’m an MFA Interaction Design graduate student at SVA. My thesis project is a platform that helps business owners build a supportive neighborhood community. I developed a set of engaging activities to build empathy, spark collaboration and inspire action. With these set of tools business owners can have a team to work with and address their shared challenges.

This meeting will last about 45 minutes to 1 hour. I will be asking a few background questions and feedback on the website and toolkit I’m working on, and do a card sorting exercise.

There are no right or wrong answers. I’m testing the materials not you.

Is that ok if I record our conversation?

Before we start, do you have any questions for me?

Background questions (10 minutes)

  1. Tell me about your business.
  2. What inspired you to open your business?
  3. How many years have you been in business?
  4. Since you started your business, what have been your top 3 challenges?
  5. How did you overcome these challenges?
  6. Where do you go for support? If not brought up: prompt for community groups, other small businesses, family/friends
  7. How have you interacted with your local community?
  8. How did these interactions help your business?
  9. Tell me about a time that you were proud of your neighborhood. What was your role?

User testing (30–45 minutes)

Prompt: Imagine if you heard about service and set of activities toolkit that could help solve your business’ challenges by providing you guidelines on how to connect with other business owners in your neighborhood to discuss your business’ challenges and brainstorm ideas together to find solutions to your shared challenges.

  1. What would you expect to do with the tools?
  2. What would you want help with from other business owners?
  3. What channels would expect to learn about these tools?

Website (10 minutes)

Here is the homepage. Please tell me what you see. Think out loud.

  1. At first glance, what do you think this is?
  2. What is confusing?
  3. What is helpful?
  4. What is missing?
  5. What would you change?

Toolkit (10 minutes)

Here is the toolkit. Imagine you will use these materials for the first time. Please tell me what you see. Think out loud.

  1. How would you start using the toolkit?
  2. What is confusing?
  3. What is helpful?
  4. What is missing?
  5. What would you change?

Card sorting (10 minutes)

Please rearrange the order of the meetings and workshop activities based on what you think would make the most sense for you. You may keep the same order, remove or add new items.

  1. Why did you change the order?
  2. Why did you remove these items?
  3. Why did you add these new items?

Reflection (10 minutes)

  1. What barriers do you imagine business owners would have in engaging with this tool?
  2. How else would you want to interact with the supportive service and toolkit?
  3. What would you change?
  4. What would you add?
  5. How could this fit into the supportive channels you are already using?
  6. What would incentivize you to continue using the tools and service?



Paula Daneze
Local Biz Collective

Interaction Designer and MFA Interaction Design Student at the School of Visual Arts