Year of the Git?

Will 2014 be the Year.

Trends and Thoughts.
1 min readJan 12, 2014


I think so.

Well, I’ve been living in a hole. Only using FTP, until recently I’ve been using it not SFTP just FTP, and I know it’s great and brilliant in it’s form and has been working just fine for many many website designers over the years.

I currently started to get into GitHub and even more recently, BitBucket as it has private repo’s, even though I do love GitHub I’ve been trying to stray away from using FTP and start using Git as a base for my websites, so I can push and pull and commit changes and reverse them if I need to, as we all make mistakes.

I’ve been trying out something, called “Deploying” your website instead of FTP. Which is actually quite great, I’m just testing it out at the moment seeing what it can do and haven’t actually used it on anything yet (Though when I get my own website up and running I’ll be using it on that, as that is my base testing ground).

Basically, what this does is it grabs your latest “Git”, and pushes it straight onto your server, you have to setup a few things first there’s a great article I read and how I started to use it from Mason here and another article I will be writing about is flat file websites way of the future.

I just thought I’d share my experience so far with Git, and I’ll be sharing along the way all my progressions that comes with it.



Trends and Thoughts.

I’m just here.. Medium’ing along. With my articles.