Published in
1 min readMar 5, 2016


As bad as the soundbites are coming out of GOP, we need to understand that the loudest voice in their field of candidates is actually not the most dangerous. To put it in a different way, the most dangerous and extreme of all the candidates is actually Ted Cruz, not Donald Trump.

The case against either candidate’s fitness for being our President is rather obvious, one being a reality tv star with a very big history of bigotry and discrimination. The other being a dellusional ideologue who’s hell-bent on holding us hostage.

Now how does this affect our end? It makes it so we’re given the false choice of continued insanity against common sense. If one tries the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, that’s when we need to say screw it and try something else. That’s been Bernie Sanders’ point this entire time, and if you listen closely enough, he’s pretty much parroting FDR. After all, it was FDR who said:

Take a method and try it. If it doesn’t work, then try something else, but above all try something.

In this great nation of ours, we shouldn’t be settling for mediocrity.




I say what I think. Я говорю что думаю. #uniteblue #connecttheleft #feelthebern #liberal #democrat #blogger #graduate from @SFSU.