The Ultimate skill : Visualization

Being able to conduct several steps of abstract reasoning without physical support

My thoughts, your thoughts
1 min readDec 27, 2013


Not sure Medium allows for such short stories. But as I was playing chess, I realized that the analytical reasoning process I needed to see several moves in advance (which I am not able to conduct for now) was very much similar to what I needed to be able to do when :

  • coding
  • playing the piano
  • finding a solution to a mathematical problem

And actually, now that I am writing this, I realize that visualization is the tool needed to be able to solve problems. The more complex, the better you need to be able to visualize. And I also realize that it is what I lacked to be able to solve some math problem while preparing to enter some of the best engineering school. (Well it’s because I was lazy, but also a lazy thinker. Not that I can’t think but rather that I do not make any efforts each time I need to visualize things in depth, I really can’t focus lol).

So just wondering if people who are called geniuses (in some fields) are not just people who show better visualization. It is a skill that can be acquired/improved. Having an enhanced memory, more than likely helps.

Keywords: Visual Memory, Abstract reasoning, mental Focus, Motivation

