The Magic Box of Machalilla National Park in Ecuador

Our experience visiting one of the most beautiful parks in Ecuador.

Light Up Travel
My Travel Life
6 min readDec 26, 2019


Exploring the map of Ecuador, I found Machalilla National Park. As soon as I saw the place, I was amazed by the different habitats and the stunningly blue beaches in this area of the equatorial coast.

Photo by Abigail García

We booked a place in Puerto López, which is located 20 minutes from “Los Frailes”, main entrance of the National Park.

Our expectations were high, but what we found there was a gift for our souls.

The Visit to “Los Frailes”

We woke up really early to take a bus that left us right in the entrance of Los Frailes. It cost us just $1 per person.

The whole area was surrounded by dry shrubs, spiny and short. We could also see many different trees along the road and most of the vegetation was looking really dry, but it didn’t feel dead at all.

Photo by Karelia Blum

On the contrary, I could feel the area truly alive, the smell of the soil was fresh after the morning rain and we were delighted with all kinds of bird songs during our walk to the first beach.

We stopped many times to connect with trees we never saw before. The first time, I was shooting some clips for Douglas’s music video and he climbed a beautiful tree who captured our attention when we were passing by.

The log had a dark purple color, it was so smooth, easy to hug and with so much loving energies. After this special experience, we keep walking and we sense this familiar smell coming from… Douglas’s hands?

The smell was Palo Santo! It was a Palo Santo tree! We normally used Holy Wood sticks to clean our space and crystals, for grounding, meditation and so much more.

Palo Santo is so present in our life, we love it and seeing this tree in its natural habitat was just amazing. My heart was so grateful and light in this moment.

Is important to know that there are two kinds of Palo Santo, Bursera graveolens and Bulnesia sarmientoi. The second one is native from the Gran Chaco which encompasses Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. Unfortunately, this species is endangered.

But the first species, the one we found in Machalilla National Park, is also native from Central America, Perú and Ecuador. And this one is not endangered.

So, if you used Palo Santo as well, make sure to get the first species. We still have time to save the second one.

Where Life takes Place

Photo by Karelia Blum.

Los Frailes Park has three main stops:

i) Playa Prieta | Prieta Beach,

ii) Playa Tortuguita | Little Turtle Beach and

iii) Playa Los Frailes | Los Frailes Beach

Exploring Playa Prieta was incredible, the biodiversity of marine species was breathtaking. I grow up in the south coast of Arequipa, Perú, and I never found so much life together on just a single boulder.

Photos by Karelia Blum.

We were blessed. Always discovering new life for us is a miracle. A miracle of nature. We sent so much love to these little friends, realizing how incredible it was to share the same moments of our lives.

Playa Tortuguita was just 10 minutes away, and it was so much different than Playa Prieta, the sand was more playful and the grains were much bigger. The vegetation was different too, and the beach stretched much longer.

It was beautiful, a place to run until feel your legs coming out of your body. Without a worry of falling, just enjoying your present moment connecting yourself with the virgin nature.

One of these precious places that life puts in front of you to take your spirit to its highest expression, if you let yourself go.

Photo by Douglas Butner.

While at this beach, I decided to recollect plastics and other pieces of trash that somebody else forgot.

The beach was clean, but there is always little pieces of plastic bags that animals can eat thinking is food. So I decided to pick them all!

Don’t worry little crabs, I got you ;)

Before to head to Los Frailes Beach, we passed by the Mirador Las Fragatas. The view in this place was priceless, a panoramic view of Los Frailes and Tortuguita Beach.

Photo by Milton Cusco.

During whale watching season, it’s a great place to try your luck. Climbing down, we found the biggest Palo Santo tree we saw in the Park, the roots were outside of the ground inviting us to connect with.

The moment I walked to the tree, my period showed up. It was meant to be. I felt this mystic energy and we took a moment to meditate next to him.

Photo by Douglas Butner

After that beautiful moment, we headed to Los Frailes Beach, it was unbelievable. So much life on the shore including sand dollars! The water was fresh and the waves were perfect to body surf.

We took off our clothes and got into the water.

Los Frailes is a really long stretch of beach with lots of vegetation surrounding the shore. We also found a dragon fruit plant! The sand grains were more fine and white. The perfect place to rest after the long walk.

Souvenirs from the Road

The exit of the park was another 40 min. walking. There were a lot of taxis taking trips to the exit of the park as well, but we decided to go walking and finish exploring the area.

The trail was 4 or 5 meters width and after a few minutes walking, we discover a lot of different kinds of crystals embedded in the ground.

I know we shouldn’t take anything from the park, but there were too many! We pick some specials rocks and crystals we felt a connection with.

It was a magic experience, if you had the opportunity to choose what places to visit in Ecuador, I would definitely recommend to visit this park. We didn’t have the chance to visit during summer, but if you can, book a place on Airbnb to support the locals!

Thank you Machalilla!

Gracias Pachamama.

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Light Up Travel
My Travel Life

We are two beings shining the light of our love upon all reaches of this lifesphere! Douglas (USA) & Karelia (Perú). Current location: Quito, Ecuador.