A month in Japan

This Is What Happened To Me In Osaka

Travel, culture and nightlife

Alex Kuznetsov
My trip
Published in
7 min readJan 31, 2020


Photo by Koi Visuals on Unsplash

After a few years, I’ve decided to publish my stories from a trip to Japan. They were already published in Russian. Just for the medium readers, I’ve added a curious story about Osaka nightlife that happened to me!

During this trip, I flew quite a lot inside Japan. Because of these flights, I still did not fully realise that I had flown away for a long time. I still have a feeling that I will explore a city or two and come back to Tokyo. Another little trip. Well. Soon I will face reality.

I’ve visited many parts of Japan. I’ve used: planes, local trains, Shinkansen, intercity bus, tram, night buses, monorail, local buses and even a ferry!

12 places 2 800 miles (4 506 km) — Simplified version

It took me around three weeks to complete my journey. If I try to map all my movements, the map will become a complete mess. I’ve visited Tokyo 4 or 5 times during that period. I stayed at seven different accommodations if all of them could be called that way. Some of them were super weird, but it’s a topic for another story.

