American Men Think They’re Always Rejected by Women

Debunking the reasons behind it.

Katya Koval
Unpopular Opinions
3 min readMar 22, 2023


a couple depicting how American men are rejected by women
Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels

Dating can be a frustrating and often disheartening experience, particularly for American men who feel like they’re constantly being rejected by women. Many men complain online about the low response rates they receive, while others lament their lack of success in securing dates.

While it’s true that rejection is part of the dating experience for both men and women, the perceived frequency and intensity of rejection among men is a complex issue. It warrants further examination.

Let’s talk about it.

The “Be Yourself” Mentality

One of the most common pieces of dating advice is to “be yourself.” While this advice may seem simple and straightforward, it can be a double-edged sword for many American men. On one hand, being true to oneself is an important aspect of building a healthy and authentic relationship.

On the other hand, the “be yourself” mentality can be discouraging when men feel like they’re being rejected for who they are.

When you have something or someone to blame for your lack of success, it doesn’t hurt as much — you can change, adjust, and rethink. But when you keep being rejected for “being yourself,” this can lead to a cycle of self-doubt, self-criticism, and self-rejection that can be difficult to break.

Societal Narratives

Another reason American men might feel like they are always being rejected by women is societal narratives that prioritize women’s choices over men’s. The traditional dating narrative says men pursue women, and women choose who they want to be with. This narrative has been reinforced through pop culture, media, and even personal experiences.

As a result, many men believe that they’re at a disadvantage when it comes to dating because they have to work harder to be chosen by women. This can create feelings of frustration, resentment, and even anger toward women who seem to have all the power in the dating game.

However, this narrative isn’t accurate. Women face challenges in the dating world, such as being objectified, harassed, and discriminated against. Women are often judged based on their appearance, and there is pressure on them to conform to societal standards of beauty.

Additionally, women are often blamed for their own romantic failures, with society telling them to “lower their standards” or “settle for less.”

Both men and women face different challenges when it comes to dating and relationships, and it’s not helpful to compare or compete with one another.

Unrealistic Expectations

One of the reasons American men might feel like they are always being rejected by women is probably their unrealistic expectations. Many men have a specific idea of what their ideal partner should look, act, and be like. They may have a long list of requirements or deal breakers that can be difficult to meet.

This can make it difficult for men to find someone who fits their ideals leading to disappointment and frustration.

How Should We Go About It?

The fact is dating is difficult for both genders, not only for men. Men feeling rejected by women is a common experience, but it’s not the only narrative. Women have their own challenges and experiences that should also be acknowledged and addressed.

The bottom line is that we should strive for a more empathetic understanding of each other’s experiences, instead of encouraging harmful gender stereotypes and narratives.

We should also work toward creating a dating culture that is based on mutual respect, consent, and communication, where both men and women feel valued and appreciated for who they are.

Only then we can truly move toward a society where everyone has an equal opportunity to find love and happiness.

