Analog Rainbows Over Social Media

The world is more than the algorithms suggest

Joe Treetop
Unpopular Opinions


A bunch of teenagers sitting on a pile of defunct laptops and watching with wonder a beautiful rainbow in the sky.
Image created by the author on PlaygroundAI

What will become of this increasingly divided, digitalized world? What hope is there for the next generation? Gosh, at thirty-five, I already sound like a grumpy old fart.

Oh well, hand me a god-damned rocking chair; I have to give vent to some stuff.


“It was coming out from the sea.”

We live in an era of cultural decadence where political correctness, self-identification, and “lived experiences” supersede old-fashioned truth and liberty. Soon, the tenet of free speech will become so punctured by stipulations that its substance will leak into obscurity.

The internet is a free-for-all smorgasbord of unsourced information, often making large claims about polarising issues. It’s also a breeding ground for narcissism and get-rich-quick schemes and provides access to an endless library of choke porn accessible to anyone with functional thumbs. X, in particular, stands at the forefront of this digital landscape, facilitating and monetizing everything from NSFW content by OnlyFans “talents” to steamy sh*t-slinging culture wars.

We desperately need to sweep the pavements of this relatively new public square. Elon Musk’s attempt to remove politically…



Joe Treetop
Unpopular Opinions

Reformed hash dealer turned essayist. A romantic for the peculiar, versed in the nefarious. Dissecting the self and culture with honesty and satire.