Battle Of The Sexes

Women and men are as different as chalk and cheese. Thankfully!

Michael Trigg
Unpopular Opinions


Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

Ever since the first multi-celled organisms on primitive earth figured out sex was the best way to reproduce, there has been an ongoing battle between the sexes. Some creatures take it to the extreme such as the Praying Mantis. The male, generally smaller than the female has to figure out how he can have coitus without being eaten — first. Often, the male succeeds in mating but then is killed and eaten by the female.

There are a number of similar sexual scenarios amongst earth’s creatures where the male is the loser ranging from spiders to marsupials and small mammals. In many of these cases, the male is the loser.

Photo by Elizabeth Praetz on Unsplash

Male Australian redback spiders actually sacrifice themselves after sex. The female redback devours the male post-coitus if they make themselves available, which they invariably do. During mating, males purposely put their abdomens near the female’s mouth, knowing she will very likely squirt digestive juices on him and eat him. And this nightmarish scenario is also copied by the redback spider’s American cousin, the black widow spider.



Michael Trigg
Unpopular Opinions

A “Jack of all Trades” and master of some: Mechanic, Writer, Sales Rep, TV producer, Management, Insurance Agent, Consultant