Decency In America

Why has it gone missing?

Michael Trigg
Unpopular Opinions


Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

What is decency? According to the online dictionary; Behaviour that conforms to accepted standards of morality and respectability.

I would add that being decent or having a sense of decency means respect for people with differing beliefs, respect for people of different skin colours, respect for the rule of law and for the rights of others.

I watched 60 Minutes tonight, and enjoyed the interview with Harkeem Jeffries, Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. Here I thought, is a decent man. A man attempting to work on behalf of all Americans, not just those who elected him to office.

So why is the GOP becoming the party of the rude, boorish and downright ugly?

Is it because of their so-called leader Donald Trump? Here is a man who has gone out of his way to be boorish, rude, offensive, disrespectful of the norms of society, disrespectful of women and the rule of law and in doing so, has developed a following of Americans who for some weird and very strange reason, admire those traits.

Women supporting this man? Now that, I do not get. Trump has absolutely no respect for women, yet I see interviews on television with “female Trumpers” who fall all over themselves to extol what they see…



Michael Trigg
Unpopular Opinions

A “Jack of all Trades” and master of some: Mechanic, Writer, Sales Rep, TV producer, Management, Insurance Agent, Consultant