Existential Crisis

RK Galaga
Unpopular Opinions
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2022


Photo by Gage Skidmore (cropped)

Less than an hour after Roe v. Wade was overturned, I received a text message from Nancy Pelosi informing me that the sky was falling and the only way to protect a woman’s right to choose was to send $27.43 to the DNC immediately. She sounded a lot like a televangelist.

I’ve received shitloads of texts from Nancy over the years, but this time I wrote back:

“If you actually gave a shit about abortion rights, why the fuck did you support anti-choice caveman Henry Cueller over his pro-choice challenger Jessica Cisneros in their Texas primary?”

The Democrats had almost 50 years to codify Roe into law, but they didn’t. They had the House and a supermajority in the Senate during Obama’s first two years in office, and they pissed all that power away doing nothing.

Abortion, like any other “issue”, is nothing but a fundraising opportunity. The goal isn’t to solve problems; the goal is to leverage them. The real money isn’t in the cure of a disease, it’s in the ongoing treatment of it. It’s no wonder why ole Nancy and the corporate Dems love Big Pharma so much.

“We know you all hate Hillary, but we’re facing an existential crisis here. If Donald Trump wins, the world will blow up.”

“We know you all prefer Bernie, but if we don’t come together behind Sleepy Joe, then… well, you get the idea.”



RK Galaga
Unpopular Opinions

I make messes with words and paint. You might need a shower after reading my stories. I'm the owner of Short & Weird. Ever heard of it? It's ok if you haven't.