How To Perceive Closeness In Your Relationship With God

Cheryl Watson
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Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2024

From my perspective.

The born-again Christian's relationship with God is an unchanging fact. We’re in Christ, you can’t get closer than that.

When you are in water, you feel the water. You know it is the water because you can see it. Your intention was to go in the water.

We know we are in Christ and Him in us because of faith. We do not need to know how to be closer to Him.

I think what we all want is to FEEL closer as proof of the closeness. That will come but the faith/belief must come first.

Relationship with God

The concept of feeling “closer” to God can be difficult to reconcile with the belief in the constancy of this relationship.

There are two opposing belief systems at work. Old self-system and new self-reality.

The relationship with God is an objective reality that does not depend on human emotions or perceptions.

The perceived closeness is an individual’s subjective experience of feeling close to God.
The objective closeness is the belief that God’s presence is constant, as emphasized in scriptures (e.g., Psalm 139:7–10).

Factors Affecting Perception

Prayer and worship can enhance the feeling of closeness to God also life circumstances, personal experiences can influence one’s sense of spiritual intimacy.

Emotions such as guilt or fear might create a sense of distance. Feelings of love, gratitude, and peace can foster a sense of nearness.

Over time, spiritual maturity can deepen the sense of reality of closeness to God.

Renewing the Mind

Unchanging Relationship — Changing Perception

The relationship is constant, but human perception of it varies.

Closeness can be understood as an awareness of God’s presence.

Engage in renewing the mind by cooperating with the Holy Spirit. Genuine feelings of closeness will follow.

This involves practices like prayer and studying scripture to enhance the sense of closeness to God and align thoughts with His truth. In other words: Study scripture and talk to God about it. Talk to God about everything because you are in fact, close to Him.


The word “closer” reflects fluctuating human awareness and perception of God’s constant presence.

Cooperate with the Holy Spirit in renewing your mind to enhance the sense of closeness to God, while recognizing the unchanging nature of the relationship.

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Cheryl Watson
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The Happy Christian. Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.