Kardashians, crypto scam, Trump and Putin — people love narcissists

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Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2023

Being self-centered and overly confident is a prerequisite for success.

Image by Sourav Aich from Pixabay

As someone who grew up with a mother with strong narcissistic tendencies, I can’t help but notice how much our society loves narcissists. It’s almost as if being self-centered and overly confident is now a prerequisite for success.

I remember how my aunt used to talk about my mother and me, praising our intelligence, our achievements, and our composure. I could feel my blood boiling with anger, knowing that it was all a facade that I had to put up with to please my mother. As a child, I had no choice but to comply with her demands, perform and increase her self-esteem.

But my personal experience with narcissism is just a drop in the ocean compared to what’s happening in the world right now.

Narcissism is everywhere, and it’s affecting everything from politics to entertainment to the tech industry.


The Kardashians have built an empire on their looks and their drama, perpetuating a toxic beauty standard and undermining the self-esteem of generations of young girls. And yet, they are celebrated and worshipped by millions.

But how much self-esteem does a person really have to undergo countless medically unnecessary surgeries? Does this person really feel okay about themselves when they have their face, then their breasts, and then their buttocks operated on?

Tech industry

This is why we see so many scams in the crypto world, despite the potential benefits. Keyword: NFTs.

Image by Azmi Talib from Pixabay

Behind every fraud and every new technology shamelessly exploited for personal gain, there are people.


The most obvious example is, of course, Donald Trump, a textbook narcissist, who was able to use his manipulative skills to become the president of the United States. But he’s not alone; many other narcissists are in positions of power and influence.

Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

And then there’s the war. As someone with Russian and German roots, I can see how narcissistic leaders' rise affects both countries. In Russia, for example, many people still support Putin, the ultimate strongman who manipulates the media and suppresses dissent.

My mother still speaks often with her sister in Russia. Even though the situation there has changed and there is more uncertainty, many people still stand behind Putin.

Image by Victoria_Watercolor from Pixabay

We can’t just rely on someone’s appearance or words to judge them. We need to understand their motivation and their values. When they stumble and reveal that they haven’t really thought things through, that’s when we see the emptiness behind their speeches.

In conclusion, we need to be more aware of the dangers of narcissism and the people who promote it. We need to look beyond the facade and recognize the emptiness behind it.

It’s time to stop celebrating narcissists and start promoting true self-awareness and compassion.



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33 y. | survivor of an abusive childhood | now experienced in the process of healing & self help ▶️ helping those who are still on their journey