My 1st International Trip

Nancy Mutisya
Unpopular Opinions
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2023
Photo by Josue Isai Ramos Figueroa on Unsplash

This world is so intricate. I wrote an article a while back about the beauty of how God created everything out of the word of His mouth and yet everything is so complex. I am Christian of course and I believe in the creation story.

Traveling has been something I have deep at the core of the desires of my heart. It’s just one of those things I pray and hope I’ll maximize during the course of my life. How can I be on this earth and not travel it? Is that how God meant for life to be? That we just stay confined to one geographical location?

I got a lifetime chance to travel to Singapore and Malaysia a week ago for a couple of days. It was one of those opportunities that many may never get in their lifetimes, but God saw it fit for me to do. Of course, someone may say it was an academic trip and was meant to happen anyway, and yes that’s true. It’s also true that I could have been dead by that time. Or even not in school due to financial constraints? Things don’t just happen. It takes a really deep person to understand that.

Being in these two countries for that period does something to your mind that is unexplainable. I am from Kenya(a developing country), so visiting developed countries is a huge change of exposure. I am a strong believer in the fact that our perspectives on anything are a consequence of what we have been exposed to. That applies to almost anything I can think of.

One day we visited Gardens by the Bay in Singapore. I remember sitting there watching the light show and it was so therapeutic!😌 I have never felt that level of calmness in a crowd of people and there were a lot of people. Now I’m not sure if the people who go to watch the light show are residents or visitors but they have to be because that was a lot! And everyone was just relaxed.

And it explains why I felt so much calmness. One lesson I carry for life is our minds need a break sometimes or rather more frequently than that. We need to allow them to see and feel different environments. I can recall leaving that place feeling so refreshed in my heart. It was like falling in love again and finally, your face is brighter😂. How I wish financial status didn’t dictate everything because everyone deserves that kind of opportunity at least once a year.

Now when I tell you I’m a really deep person I mean it. For most people or who knows the proportion, that might have been just any other trip but to me, it was another level of being human. It’s like when people talk about maximizing your potential and no one is mentioning traveling. Does potential only apply to working your brain off till you acquire eye bags?😏

What was more significant was what my mind was being exposed to rather than what my eyes were seeing. My eyes see millions of things in a day who cares? Being among people of a different culture, eating their food, sleeping in their hotels, standing next to them in public transport, walking on their streets freely, shopping in their malls freely, and no one wants to harm you or ask a question is priceless.

And if you don’t get why that is then I pray one day you will. Not everyone smiled at us but at least they didn’t throw a bottle of water at us. It just goes to show you how far we’ve come as a world and why it’s important we protect and improve that. We need to get to a point where anyone can live in any part of the world and not get awkward reactions just because they are of a different skin color.

In addition to that, just being able to spend so many days with my classmates considering the fact that I’m an ambivert is priceless. Those memories are worth diamonds. You never get to know how valuable some memories can be until you know, especially if it’s with people you don’t see on a daily basis.

Random thought: You don’t need to be friends with someone for you to feel like they’re a part of your life, I mean why didn’t they end up in a different class? That’s why when a person passes away we feel something in our hearts even if we weren’t close with them. They were a fraction of the spectrum of our lives, just like drops make the sea.

And that was the 1st one, looking forward to the next one, hopefully, I’ll tell y’all about that one too💕. Peace out.



Nancy Mutisya
Unpopular Opinions

Turning thoughts, likes, ideas, and much more into stories.