“Racism” Is Not A Thing

Hate, bigotry and discrimination is.

Michael Trigg
Unpopular Opinions


Photo by Alexis Fauvet on Unsplash

I will probably be taken to task again for this subject but I stand by my position. Why? Because based on science, every human on the planet is 99.9% genetically related. The 0.1% difference relates to skin color, eye color and other minor differences. The point is, we are ALL one race! As this is the case, how can one person discriminating against another person with different skin color but of the same race, be racist?

Let's call it what is it is; bigotry or discrimination based on skin color or hatred of another person based on skin color. If we keep using the terms “racism” and “racist”, we keep perpetuating the myth that we humans are made up of different races based on skin color. And, that is just not the case. We are all one race!

Before pale skins arrived on the scene around 8,000 years ago, all homo sapiens (us) were dark-skinned of varying shades. Of course, this is something white supremacists in their ignorance will scoff at. As humans gravitated from the African savannah to northern locations where there was less sunlight, the body adjusted to take in more Vitamin D and it did this by decreasing the amount of pigment in the skin. This is not a theory, it is a scientific fact. It is also something that took place along with our extinct cousins, the Neanderthals.



Michael Trigg
Unpopular Opinions

A “Jack of all Trades” and master of some: Mechanic, Writer, Sales Rep, TV producer, Management, Insurance Agent, Consultant www.handshakeconsultants.com