What if We All Showed Up for a Climate Disaster That Didn’t Happen?

We’re in the process of committing possibly the greatest waste of resources in human history

James Bellerjeau
Unpopular Opinions


A boardwalk curving into the distance amongst thick, green reeds
Are you being led down the proverbial path? | Image James Bellerjeau

If the world was coming to an end because of climate change, you’d expect there to be some impact on GDP growth, right?

After all, the destruction of the planet and the death of everyone on it by fires, flooding, and superstorms seems like it would create a little damage to the bottom line along the way.

Hold that thought.

Because he’s one of the good politicians, President Biden signed an executive order on Climate-Related Financial Risk that directed work across the Federal Government to create “consistent, clear, intelligible, comparable, and accurate disclosure of climate-related financial risk.”

That was in 2021, and this year two agencies (the Council of Economic Advisers and the Office of Management and Budget) released a honking big white paper discussing the impact of climate change on U.S. finances.

It’s a thorough study.

They discuss what might happen with GDP growth and it is eye-opening:



James Bellerjeau
Unpopular Opinions

Mechanic of the human soul. I channel Seneca and Machiavelli at unpredictable intervals