Myers-Briggs Framework: Part II

Emily Kassmeier
My User Guide
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2020

In part two of exploring the Myers-Briggs personality type framework, let’s dive into type groups. After you’ve discovered which type your personality traits fall under, the natural next step is to learn how the various types relate to one another. Organizing the types into groups is a helpful way to make sense of the types’ similarities and differences. A common method for sorting the types is by roles.


Your ambitions, intentions, interests, and hobbies

  • Analysts (NT) — INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTP
    These people are intuitive (N) and thinkers (T). They are highly logical and enjoy intellectual stimulation. They feel a strong need to gather knowledge and understand connections, focusing a great deal of their brainpower on visualizing concepts and evaluating strategies. They often are avid readers and are constantly on the lookout for ways to improve themselves.
  • Diplomats (NF) — INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP
    These people are intuitive (N) and feeling (F). They care deeply for others and find it easy to connect with people on an emotional level. They are warm, compassionate people who tend to be idealists and are passionate about doing their part to make the world a better place. They are hopeful and creative, and can be very positive influences on others.
  • Sentinels (SJ) — ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ
    These people are observant (S) and judging (J). They are down-to-earth, and have a strong desire for predictability and routine. They prefer to play by the rules and expect the same level of fairness and cooperation from others. They’re people of action, preferring to get to work, rather than merely talking about it. They build strong connections with others and take their relationships seriously.
  • Explorers (SP) — ISTP, ISFP, ESTP, ESFP
    These people are observant (S) and prospecting (P). They enjoy exploring possibilities, keeping their options open, and maintaining their sense of freedom. Making spontaneous decisions is more appealing to them than committing to long-term plans. They prefer following their whims moment-by-moment so that they can be free from obligations and pursue new interests whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Exploring roles can be a good starting point for understanding how your personality type relates to others. As you dig deeper into each, you’ll notice that while there are overlapping qualities between your type and the other types in your role group, there are many traits that set you apart as well. Type groups can also be a helpful tool if you’re unsure which Myers-Briggs type is the best fit for you. Identifying the role group that closely matches your goals and interests can help you narrow down which type describes you the most accurately.

Which role group do you fit into? Reach out to us @myuserguide and let us know.



Emily Kassmeier
My User Guide

Marketing + customer support @zaengle. Bookworm. Dog Lover. Houseplant enthusiast.