The Wheel Desk: A Remote Work Accessory for Van Travel

Robert Gibb
My Van Year
Published in
2 min readJul 1, 2022
Getting ready for a writing in Twin Falls, Idaho

If you’re like me and love your van chair for a work chair but don’t have a swivel seat, you can turn your wheel into a desk with a simple wooden accessory called the wheel desk sold on Amazon by a company named FEZiBO.

After looking at different options, including a version that attaches to the bottom of the wheel instead of the top, I decided to purchase the top-attaching version by FEZiBO because it’s on a slant and more closely resembles a writing desk.

Since I write screenplays and journal with pen and paper, this arrangement made the most sense. I also like how you don’t have to turn the wheel upside down to use it like you do with some bottom-attaching versions.

The slant that the top-attaching version creates is just as good for laptop work which I’m using it for now to write this. The slant creates something known as the “Harmon Distance” which creates a healthier distance between your eyes and the laptop screen, tablet screen, piece of paper, book, or whatever you have placed on the wheel desk. (This is half-assed internet research but it made sense to me.)

The only gripe I have with the wheel desk is that it can wear out your wrists if you’re placing them on the desk instead of raising them. This is not a big issue though. I may wrap the bottom part of the desk with something cushion-y or just continue to do what I’m doing now: being conscious of when my wrists are tired and raising them or taking a break.

So this could actually be a benefit: when your wrists feel worn out, take a break and go for a walk. That’s what I’m going to do now.

