30 Days of Bible Lettering

Amara Bill Kevin
My Vantage Point
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2019
Some of the artworks from the previous #30daysofbiblelettering challenge

Hello friends,

It’s been a while since I last shared anything on this platform. Some interesting stuff has been cooking and I’d like you to be part of it.

For starters, in 2016, I took part in a challenge on Instagram: #30daysofbiblelettering. The organizers came up with a list of 30 Bible verses from which one would letter/draw the verse for that particular day and post on their Instagram.

As an artist, it was such a challenge — and thrill. Imagine coming up with a new piece of art every day amidst busy and demanding schedules — just for the gram. Like any other challenge, there’s always something worth gaining from the process. Not only was it a way through which I would practice lettering but also a beautiful way to share the word of God.

I learnt and developed new styles of drawing letters and as a Christian, I got to reaffirm my faith in the message of the Gospel.

Now, midway through the challenge a friend suggested to me an idea “How about instead of lettering bible verses from some random guys on the internet, you instead solicit for verses from the people you know and create more personable artwork?”. I didn’t act upon it immediately. But also, I did not think I was ready for yet another mental and physical roller-coaster.

Let’s face it, time is never enough, especially not when you want to do something awesome. Three years down the road, like an epiphany, I have decided to “just do it”. To the challenge, here I come.

And friends, here’s what I request from you. Please suggest a verse you’d like me to letter/draw. Also, provide a short write up as to why you suggest that particular verse. If chosen, your words will accompany the art I will come up with.

Since it’s only 30 days, I’ll choose only 30 verses from 30 people. So it’s kind of a first serve basis. Can’t wait to see what you’d like me to draw!

God bless you.

PS: In case you’d like to take a look at some of the verses I lettered last time, you can find them on my Instagram: @abkvnne. In case of any questions, I am also happy to make clarifications. Email me at abk@avarc.co



Amara Bill Kevin
My Vantage Point

CEO and Founder Avarc. Passionate about Graphics Design | Branding | T-shirt aficionado | Typomaniac | Lettering artist | Anchored in Christ.