Hello, world!

Amara Bill Kevin
My Vantage Point
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2017
Photo credit: Vicki Soleil

Hello, world. Hello…

Anybody out there? This is me, Kevin. Call me by my alias — ABK. I like to be convivial and chill.

I am a designer from the Pearl of Africa, Uganda. CEO and Founder Avarc — a boutique design house that makes deeply inspiring t-shirts, and does evocative branding stories. My avocation is in typography, since 2002. Lettering. Logo design. T-shirt design since 2013. As well as branding.

In a nutshell, I’m one of those guys who believe design is one of the best things to happen to this world since Jesus Christ.

I feel like I’m late to the blogging party as blogging has been around for quite a while now. I should’ve started sooner. Nonetheless everybody has a story to tell and the diversity in perspective and opinion are what make stories more interesting. Storytelling o’clock, it’s hit me.

My Vantage Point is a Medium publication where I’ll share my views on different aspects of life and more particularly design, branding and t-shirts. With this comes a plethora of stories built on my vast experiences as a designer, entrepreneur and a human being who has lived for more than two decades on this planet.

Reading a Mwesigwa Daniel’s article on Why we Need More African Startup Stories To Be Told encouraged me to go for this. As a designer in Uganda, I’ve experienced the hustle it takes to find research or even articles about design particularly related to the work done in Uganda. There’s a lot that goes undocumented and yet it really it’s worth sharing. I hope to consistently follow through with sharing a much as I can.

Given what I’ve learnt in the last five years, I believe I’m a credible informant on these aspects some of which I’ve lived firsthand.

However not everything I say is written in stone, it’s simply My Vantage Point. I’m open to any correction, suggestions and ideas. It will be amazing to get feedback from you. I look forward to the conversation.

Welcome to My Vantage Point.



Amara Bill Kevin
My Vantage Point

CEO and Founder Avarc. Passionate about Graphics Design | Branding | T-shirt aficionado | Typomaniac | Lettering artist | Anchored in Christ.