Social Networking 


Harry McCann
My Views , Reviews & Opinions


To be historically correct it all began in 1994 with the social networking site “Geocities” . Geocities allowed the users to create and customize their own web sites, grouping them into different ‘cities’ based on the site’s content. The following year, launched to public, giving users the ability to interact with people who have the same hobbies and interests, and to publish their own content and it began social networking was here but in 1994 people didnt think that 1.73 Billion people would be use Social Ntworking in 2013.

It went on from Geocities to “Friendster” which brought a whole new era of Social Networking and truly shaped how people approached Social Networking. In its first 3 months it had a user base of 3,000,000 people which meant 1 in every 126 web users were on Friendster and then we were given MySpace which gave users more freedom than Friendster when it came to customization; with music, videos and a better online environment. It garnered 90 million registered users and even if it is no longer the top networking site in the world, it is still a favorite in the USA.

But in the year 2004 we brought a Social Networking site that truly changed Social Networking for the better , we were brought “ TheFacebook” now Facebook . Facebook first began with Mark Zuckerberg’s alma mater Harvard. At first it was exclusive, and you could only join in if you had been invited by a member of Facebook. The ‘exclusive’ feature proved to be a success, and in its first month, over half of the 19,500 Harvard students signed up. Two years later, the campus-only networking site became open to the public. In 2008 Facebook out passed both Friendster and Myspace as the leading Social Networking Site . Facebook now has an amazing 150 million members .

And from there we went through the years that changed the way people use the internet , how people connect & how people socialise . We were brought sites like Twitter , Google + , Foursquare , Linkedln and hundreds more. Facebook is currently still growing and adapting with times but the question question is “ For how much longer ?? “ , With twitter growing at an extremely fast pace and Linkedln creeping up from behind .

But as far as I'm concerned Social Networking is here to stay for a long long time.

Social media allows us to behave in ways that we are hardwired for in the first place — as humans. We can get frank recommendations from other humans instead of from faceless companies.”
― Francois Gossieaux, The Hyper-Social Organization: Eclipse Your Competition by Leveraging Social Media



Harry McCann
My Views , Reviews & Opinions

Founder & MD of Kid Tech (@KidTechCourses), Founder & Director of the Digital Youth Council (@DYC2015),