Who Am I? First things first…

Barbara Bombachini
My Photo Stories
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2017

Building a blog from scratch is not an easy job. It also doesn’t mean that I’m new to the business… but let’s say that I’m new in the city.

I have recently moved to London, Ontario, and I’m trying to bring here all my knowledge and my experience shooting weddings, families, portraits, newborns for a while!

But this is no solid terrain for me. New city, new challenges, before I get some jobs I need to find out more about the business and how I can try to put myself again into the market. I have no references here but my own photos. As a friend said: the person you knew is dead, you need to rebirth again.

Besides that, well, I love my job. Being able to be part of a family story in some of their most memorable moments or being able to frame a fragment of the world into some beauty, is something quite special, han?
That’s why, beyond making photos, we make bonds.

But after all, who am I?
I’m a Brazilian photographer, living in London, in a deep relationship with my camera, my husband and my cat. That loves books, movies and stories of all kind, preferably with wine and good friends. I’m also a vegetarian mountain biker and climber that loves to be in the wilderness and enjoys shooting people in their happiest moments.

Let’s talk?

Send me a message!

