Five amazing words you likely never knew

(I sure know I never knew them)

Christopher Laine
My Writer’s Life
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2023


Words rule.

I love words. I’ve always loved words, how they tell us things, they can evoke emotions, thoughts, perspectives, imagery.

I have spent my entire life studying words and wordcraft, and I’m still not even close to bored with the subject.

I love to learn new words. I never tire of the thrill of a phenomenal find that will give my phrasing that wee bit of additional umph.

I have a great love for classics, and because of this, I rub elbows with a great number of wondrous but often lost words.

So, when I read, I go out of my way to keep a regular journal of new words which crop up in my literary path, as I hate the thought of their being lost or forgotten.

I thought I’d share a few of them with my fellow readers and writers, just because. I hope there’s at least one on this short list which is unexpected.



  1. alluring by a show of flashy or vulgar attractions but having no real value.

You have a lot of expensive crap here, but ultimately, it’s all meretricious and not the least bit gawdy.


