The Rate of Inflation

Stephanie Renée
My Writes
Published in
4 min readJun 23, 2020


Flat-out lies, and other thoughts about hot air

Photo: TOLGA AKMEN/AFP/Getty Images

I have a pretty short list of things that I absolutely hate.

Hate is a powerful emotion, which often leads to highly-irrational actions and responses. So I don’t toss around hate, as a verb, lightly.

Mild dislikes? I harbor plenty. Like people who know that spit gathers on their lips when they speak, but they do nothing to eliminate it, especially on camera. The stink of cigarette (and cheap weed) smoke. Messy car interiors. People who sing off-key with regularity. Clashing wardrobe colors and patterns. Subject-verb disagreement. Typos, and generally horrible spelling.

I have mild OCD, so dissonant and uneven things give me a particular kind of agita.

But hate is reserved for an elite set of egregiousness.

Litter. Racism. Senseless violence that causes intentional physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual harm. And bold-faced, unapologetic liars.

I’m not talking about the occasional embellishment for impact and memorable storytelling. Everybody does that. Except perhaps Sagittarians, whose blunt honesty is legendary and, frankly, deeply appreciated.

I mean the people who will pause for effect, look directly into your eyes, and speak blatant untruths with conviction. Regularly…



Stephanie Renée
My Writes

Artsy chick. Certified nerd girl. Navigating the spaces of Black Excellence and global relevance. Support my other creative endeavors at