My Yoga - Submission Guidelines

My Yoga is accepting submissions. Apply to be an author.

Jim Moore
My Yoga
5 min readJun 27, 2023


Reply to this post with a request to be an author! We are accepting submissions. (updated October 2023)


Please provide your twitter profile and your linkedin profile.

We are looking for people who are actual yoga participants, yoga instructors, meditation and mindfulness enthusiasts who are sharing their experience and growing their audience as a business.

Do you practice yoga?

This publication is intended to provide recovering trauma, stress and anxiety sufferers a place to talk about how Yoga, mindfulness and meditation are helping you.

Do you teach yoga?

This publication is intended to help yoga schools, yoga studios and yoga instructors to grow your yoga business with SEO friendly links back to your business website and social profiles.

Making Money From Blogging

Let us help you become a respected authority for yoga — and grow your revenue too! We are all writing on Medium as one way to make money online and our publication is here to help authors monetize their message without being salesy.

Who Are We?

My Yoga is a unique and topic-focused publication on Medium inviting new contributing writers to grow with us on Medium.

We are seeking to add new writers bringing different perspectives about yoga, meditation and personal recovery.

Our editorial team embraces diversity, values our writers, and helps them find their writing voice in a collaborative platform to earn money online through building a passive income.

After you apply to join our diverse team, we’ll send you invitation to our writer community on Discord.

This moderated public community is optional for writers who want to make money online through their passion for yoga and personal healing.

We value personal and authentic experiences from new and seasoned voices in the yoga.

Our writers provide support and encouragement for each other through engaging with each others content with claps, highlights, comments and shares.

As a community, we encourage and guide all ethical writers at any level (beginners are welcome and the most accomplished writers are encouraged to mentor others).

Yoga creates the collaborative atmosphere where we can all take the next step toward our well-being while supported by the loving energy of the group.

What Works

We are looking for quality over quantity. Personal and authentic experiences are healing both for the writer and for the reader.

We each come to Yoga for different reasons because we are each on a different stage of the Emotional Ladder. Some are attending Yoga while recovering from heartbreak, while others are lifting from general happiness to extreme states of bliss and mystical out-of-body experiences.

Many authors will be yoga students who may be beginners creating a yoga journal, while other authors will be Yogini’s with 1000’s of classes of experience.

Many yoga and meditation authors don’t know HOW to monetize their message to build a passive income stream that makes a difference — no matter what your experience level is, we can help you grow your revenue.

You are all welcome to share your authentic ‘My Yoga’ experience here.

These are the kind of articles we will publish:

  • Original, unpublished works submitted to our editorial team will be considered.
  • Personal, first person experiences with yoga, mindfulness, and meditation.
  • Tell us what you do in your yoga and meditations.
  • Tell us how it makes you feel.
  • Tell us why you do it.
  • Tell us every day as you move through your recovery and healing.
  • Tell us every day as you guide your yoga class.
  • We want to look over your shoulder so we can learn from your experience.

This Is The Structure Of Our Home Page Tags

We have categories on the home page for the following:
They are not all filled out with articles.

Some tags do not yet have an article.

4 latest stories
accepting submissions
4 featured stories (one from each of our guest authors for now…)
3 with first tag ‘yoga’
3 with first tag ‘meditation’
3 with first tag ‘mindfulness’
3 with first tag ‘trauma’
3 with first tag ‘anxiety’
3 with first tag ‘stress’
3 with first tag ‘grief’
3 with first tag ‘forgiveness’
3 with first tag ‘happiness’
3 with first tag ‘gratitude’
3 with first tag ‘brain science’
3 with first tag ‘spiritual’
3 with first tag ‘fitness’

What Doesn’t Work

  • Bland, Generic, Marketing Messages, SEO Tuned, Keyword-stuffed… I can spot that stuff fast and it just won’t work.
  • Advice type articles telling us what we ‘should’ do. Those won’t work.
  • Third person advice? No thanks. We want to hear what YOU are doing.

➨ Do You Accept AI Assisted Writing?

● Yes.

In fact we have a private writers community on discord where we teach how to create enriched and better value content with a professional approach to using tools like:

Want to start contributing articles? Here’s how we recommend the layout:

Suggested Formatting:

● Title
● Sub-title

● Image (with image credit)

● Content (500 to 1500 words, 3 to 5 minute read)

● Links (3 back to yourself at least one referral link)

● About The Author section (with links to social profiles)


We reserve the right to edit if we feel it will benefit your article. If you are not willing to have small changes in your writing, please do not submit your articles here. Edits are only for organization, flow, clarity and link quality for SEO purposes. Our editors will not change your message.

All of our editors are volunteers who want your success. Yet we all have families and yoga to attend…. large edits will be returned for your review.

Active Publishers

After you have been approved as an author and invited to our Writers Community on Discord, you have 30 days to publish your first article. Should your author status be removed, you are welcome to remain in our Discord community and you may re-apply to be an author for the My Yoga Publication.

Extras I’d appreciate:

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Leave your comment below and our editors will check out your profiles! We are excited to welcome you our publication about practicing mindfulness, meditation and yoga for personal change.

Connect with Jim Moore on LinkedIn to request your Discord Community Invite.



Jim Moore
My Yoga

Author, Editor for LearnAIforProfit - Teaching Yoga Instructors use AI Tools To Earn Passive Income. I Help People Heal and Thrive.