Meet myABCKit

Karina Ibarra
Creating myABCKit
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2016


Last summer we presented myABCKit.

Today, after months of ups and downs, time dedicated to research, design, development and validation, we’re finally releasing the 1st version of our product :)

In the process we’ve learned a lot and have had some amazing opportunities (SeedRocket, Wayra, ENISA, SME Instrument… thank you all ❤), incredible people have supported and encouraged us and yes, we’ve had some difficult moments that have slowed down our pace but here we are, we’ve made it and we have a beautiful product we want to share with you today.

myABCKit is a play-based platform for kids from 3 to 7 years old to personalize literacy and language learning. It’s based on simple educational games so students can learn what they like most in an engaging and fun way.

Kids start with basic literacy and move on to other areas of knowledge: reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar. The fun component boosts their learning.

Why do we care about personalized education?

We’re promoting personalized education because we have seen that schools and parents have innumerable education options for teaching children literacy, but still, no one is delivering a fun, simple and custom tailored learning experience based on data.

myABCKit is the result of 5 years of lessons learned developing educational products for kids.

During these years, we have focused on developing effective products that allow kids to get meaningful education.

We have done research with teachers and validated with them that the best way to engage kids is through fun, simple, honest and straight-to-the-point exercises. From validating with schools, doing qualitative interviews with teachers and parents and by observing kids, we now know that offering children content that is meaningful, empowers them to be active learners.

It’s for parents…

myABCKit can be used at home. We’ve created funny content for kids so they can be more engaged with; we want to promote learning as a natural process, just like when they are playing. With myABCKit, we’re giving each kid a unique learning path, while parents keep track of their performance with our weekly reports.

And also for schools

myABCKit allows teachers to personalize the content in the platform, so their students can learn language through the subjects they like best. Creating packs is the easiest way to personalize kids’ education according to their interests and needs. The content can be set up in any language: mother tongue or secondary language.

Children learn from the exercises, and we learn from their performance. With the learning analytics engine, we’ll track each kid’s performance, looking out for ways to improve their experience.

Time to rock & roll

We know that we’re just at the start of our trip, but also, we know we’re building something great.

Our mission is to help improve the current educational system. Because if we help fix education, we’ll be helping fix some of the most critical social problems we’re living today.

Get the app

myABCKit is for kids from 3 to 7 years old. It can be used at home and at schools. Give it a try.

Download it on the AppStore, and on Google Play it’s free.

Thank you, and please, spread the love :_)



Karina Ibarra
Creating myABCKit

Mom · Designer for kids · Founder and CEO @myABCKit, an #EdTech startup · @Google Design Sprint Master · Idealistic rebel.