4 Precious Nutrients To Avoid Skin Degeneration

Every day our skin fights many enemies. From environmental pollution, to the passage of time, stress or an inappropriate diet. We live fast, in constant rush, we have many responsibilities, and most importantly, we want to stay in good shape and look naturally young and fresh. Therefore, the search for a natural, proactive way to fight degeneration has never been more necessary than now.

5 min readMar 24, 2024


How To Avoid Skin Degeneration?

Skin degradation leaves a mark on the skin of our face, reducing its elasticity and youthful glow. Today’s market offers us a wide range of not only cosmetic preparations but also cosmetic treatments that directly act on our skin cells. Unfortunately, when using cosmetics from a store, we are never fully aware and sure of their composition and whether it contains chemicals that may only harm us instead of helping us. Cosmetic treatments are not only expensive, but also invasive and bring a lot of risk of unwanted side effects. Fortunately, nature comes to our aid and offers an extensive catalog of ingredients, full of antioxidants, vitamins and nutritional properties, ready to fight the enemies of everyday life. In this article I would like to present the 6 powerful natural ingredients, showing their ability to revitalize and slow down the process of thinning and degeneration.

  1. Vitamins A and E.

Vitamin A + E is a common combination in vitamin products (medicinal preparations and dietary supplements). Why? Because both of these vitamins belong to the group of fat-soluble vitamins, and their simultaneous consumption produces a synergistic effect.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect against free radicals. Free radicals are natural molecules found in our body. They are byproducts of normal metabolic processes in the body. However, excessive exposure to free radicals and the lack of antioxidants to counteract their effects can lead to oxidative stress and damage to cells, proteins and DNA. As a result, we may struggle with health problems, and it will also accelerate the aging process. Vitamin E softens our skin, reduces drying and protects against the effects of solar radiation.

Vitamin A supports many important aspects of your body function. But what is important for us in this article is that it is necessary for cell growth in our body. Why is this vitamin so important? It helps maintain healthy skin, proper growth and development of bones, maintaining the health of epithelial tissue, the functioning of the immune system, and the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

A common symptom of deficiency of these vitamins. Remember that an excess of vitamin A and E is as dangerous as its deficiency. (The Fat-Soluble Vitamins: A, D, E and K (healthline.com) :

  • Dry eyes
  • Blindness
  • Hair loss
  • Skin problems
  • Poor immune function

Vitamin A is only found in animal-sourced foods. The main natural food sources are: liver, fish liver oil or butter.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids play a key role in maintaining good skin condition and fighting skin degeneration. Why are they so important? They support the basic functions of the skin. They moisturize the skin and fight skin redness, dryness or itching. Omega-3 fatty acids play a significant role in improving our skin barrier, retaining moisture and protecting against irritants and other harmful external factors.

Omega-3s also protect against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays. Adding them to our diet, it is worth remembering that they increase the skin’s resistance to sunburn, reducing the severity of skin redness, for example after long exposure to UV radiation.

We can easily find them in foods like walnuts, seafood, fatty fish, certain seed and plant oils.

3. Polyphenols.

Polyphenols are best known for their strong antioxidant effects, which protect cells against free radicals.

Important dietary sources of polyphenols include ( Skin photoprotection by natural polyphenols: Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and DNA repair mechanisms — PMC (nih.gov)) :

  • onions
  • cocoa
  • grape seeds
  • tea
  • apples and red wine
  • citrus fruits
  • blueberries and cherries
  • and soy

Recent studies have shown that these polyphenols have a strong ability to protect the skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation. Polyphenols, especially dietary, have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties, belong to the most promising group of compounds that can significantly improve the condition of our skin and help maintain its healthy and youthful look. In the context of degeneration and its ability to protect against UV radiation, polyphenols, according to research carried out in the last decade, significantly prevent the formation of tumors, especially skin cancer. A deep understanding of natural polyphenols opens a new perspective for the safe treatment of many skin diseases, hair loss or simply keeping the entire body in a healthy condition.

4. Selenium

Selenium is a mineral found in many foods. Its broad properties include maintaining healthy body function, including metabolism, immune system and thyroid function. Selenium, like the previously mentioned nutrients, is a strong antioxidant that fights oxidative stress and helps protect the body and keep the number of free radicals under control. By fighting free radicals, this mineral prevents the signs of aging, minimizes skin damage and inflammation, helping fight wrinkles and fine lines.

But degeneration is not only about UV radiation and wrinkles. Based on many years of research, we know that selenium significantly enhances the function of white blood cells, preventing both bacterial skin infections and viruses. This allows us to keep the skin in good and healthy condition, allowing us to enjoy a natural and young look. What’s more, selenium can decrease the incidence of acne.

Where can I find selenium? Foods high in selenium content include organ meats such as liver, kidney, brain, heart, and tongue. But also :

  • Oysters
  • Sardines
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Brazil nuts

Potential Of Nature

As we can see, nature still has a lot to offer us. Knowing how many natural nutrients are present in everyday products, it is worth considering a varied diet that can help us fight imperfections at a low cost and in a safe way. Of course, before increasing the consumption of any of these nutrients, you should do a blood test and see your primary care doctor to find out if you really are deficient. This will help us avoid possible side effects, which are often difficult to identify.

