Asians Don’t Raisin: Unlock The Secrets To Anti-Aging Lifestyle

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5 min readApr 13, 2024

“Why do many Asians look younger than their real age?” — For many years, the topic of Asian celebrities that look younger than their pals who are their same has always been mentioned on multiple forums. The secret is genetic. But don’t feel discouraged yet! There are multiple methods that could help you to reduce the effect of premature skin aging. This articles will go into not only skincare routine, life habits, but also your diets to give you the ultimate anti-aging lifestyle.

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Why Asians Don’t Raisin?

Before diving into other aspects of Asians’ anti-aging lifestyle, understanding the foundational difference is crucial. Compared to Caucasians, Asians skin contain a thicker layer of dermis due to the higher number of collagen-producing cells (fibroblasts) in the second layer of the skin (Soohoo, 2022). This helps the skin to retain greater amount of collagen (Shirakabe et al., 2003) to reduce the marks of wrinkles and sun damage (Soohoo, 2022). Overall, this helps Asians to appear younger than their actual age.

Which Factors Lead To Premature Skin Aging?

Besides genetics, there are things that could be actively done to reduce the effects of premature skin aging. External factors such as an anti-aging skincare routine and proper sun protection, or internal factors coming from your habit and diet all directly contribute to your skin age.

Guide to Anti-Aging Lifestyle


  1. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen!

One of the most important factors that help to protect your skin from the outside. Damage from UV radiations could lead to sunburn, and an increase wrinkles, along with pigment changes on your skin.

2. Vitamin C

Incorporating this ingredient into your skincare routine can offer several great benefits. According to Clatici et al. (2017), the use of vitamin C helps to stimulate skin’s collagen production, which helps to improve skin structure while reduce wrinkles on the face and neck area (Felton, 2024).

3. Beauty Devices

With a holistic skincare routine, Asians also utilize assistance from beauty devices such as FOREO Bear and FOREO UFO. These products help users to not only massage and lift the face to reduce wrinkle, but also help skincare products to absorb and work more effectively.


  1. Sun Protection

Beside sunscreen, it is highly recommended to wear highly coverage clothings when you are outside in a long period. Asians women tend to put more attention of wearing multiple layers to protect their skin from sun damage. Sun protection from clothing is suitable for everyone, especially ones with sensitive skins that might experience break outs or clogged pores from sunscreen. Beside wearing hat and sunglasses, long sleeves or thin jackets will also help to protect more body areas such as the neck or back from sun damage.

2. Enough Sleep Hour

A seven to eight hours of sleep per night is considered as a good night rest. Not having enough sleep not only makes your skin appear dull and tired, but also leads to multiple diseases such as: high blood pressure, anxiety, heart disease, etc (Felton, 2024). To have quality night rest, you should avoid caffein intake and intense exercise after late afternoon. Sleeping in a comfortable, quiet, and dark space are also helpful in a good night sleep.

3. Stay Physically Active

The American Academy of Dermatology Association (2021) reported that moderate exercises will improve one’s blood circulation and immune system. Traditional Asian cultures have historical tradition of wellness practices that promote longevity. From Tai Chi in China to Yoga in India, these ancient disciplines blend movement, meditation, and breath work to cultivate balance and harmony within the body and mind. These practices not only reduce stress but also enhance flexibility, strength, and mental clarity, contributing to overall vitality.


  1. A Healthy and Balanced Diet

Asian diets in general are healthy due to the suitable amount of all nutrition group in the meals. A healthy diet consisted of daily intake of healthy fats, enough protein, carbs, vitamins and antioxidants could bring your health wonders. Antioxidants, can be generally found in fruits and vegetables, gives your cells protection from free radical damage, which can lead to premature aging and illnesses like cancer or heart diseases (Felton, 2024). Furthermore, it is also suggested that a diet with a high level of sugar or other refined carbohydrates intake can accelerate aging (The American Academy of Dermatology Association, 2021).

2. Reduce Alcohol Intake

Frequent consumption of alcohol dehydrates your body due to the increase in urination. This overall makes your skin appear dry and dull. Not to mention, a high alcohol intake in the long term could lead to serious illness such as: weak immune system, cancer, liver problems, etc (Felton, 2024).

3. Incorporate Fermented Food Into Your Diet

Yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut are the most familiar fermented food. Food in this category are filled with probiotics, which helps to improve your gut health. Paul et al. has claimed that these foods are great sources of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds (2023). A healthy gut with certain amount of probiotics and anti-inflammatory compound will boost your skin ceramide to retain the skin’s natural moisture. As a result, your skin will be able to appear dewy and glowy.

Key Takeaway

Overall, Asian don’t raisin is still valid due to their genetics. However, by embracing nutrient-rich diets, mindful practices, suitable skincare routine, and sun protection, anyone would be able to achieve the Asians’s secret to age gracefully.


Clatici VG, Racoceanu D, Dalle C, Voicu C, Tomas-Aragones L, Marron SE, Wollina U, Fica S. Perceived Age and Life Style. The Specific Contributions of Seven Factors Involved in Health and Beauty. Maedica (Bucur). 2017 Sep;12(3):191–201. PMID: 29218067; PMCID: PMC5706759.

Felton, Kathleen. “Anti-Aging Tips Can Really Work-Try These Ones.” Health, 2024,

FOREO. (n.d.). Complete lineup of Foreo Devices.

Paul AK, Lim CL, Apu MAI, et al. Are fermented foods effective against inflammatory diseases? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023;20(3):2481. doi:10.3390/ijerph20032481

Shirakabe Y, Suzuki Y, Lam SM. A new paradigm for the aging Asian face. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2003 Sep-Oct;27(5):397–402. doi: 10.1007/s00266–003–2099-x. Epub 2003 Dec 4. PMID: 14648062.

Soohoo, Lillian. “Asian Skin Care.” Golden State Dermatology, 20 June 2022,

The American Academy of Dermatology Association. “11 Ways to Reduce Premature Skin Aging.” American Academy of Dermatology, 2021,

