Japanese women’s anti-aging secrets

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3 min readMay 5, 2024

Compared with the past, nowadays, people can combine applying high-tech devices for their skincare routine and healthy lifestyle to maximize the anti-aging results. The Japanese not only record the highest average age but also minimize the sign of aging the most. This blog is going to point out how they can do that.

Limit fatty foods

One of the Japanese dietary principles is to limit foods high in fat. This gives Japanese women healthy, youthful skin. Because grease not only has a negative impact on the skin such as imbalance of nutrients, creating more sebum and acne, but also causes a number of dangerous diseases for the body such as blood pressure and heart disease.

Eat lots of vegetables and fruits

The secret to youthful beauty every day of women in Japan is to add lots of vegetables and fruits to their diet menu. It is the abundant source of vitamin C and minerals in these foods that help Japanese women stay young forever.

Drink lots of water and green tea

Japanese women pay great attention to adding water to their bodies. While Western countries and even Vietnamese people often have the habit of drinking coffee, Japanese people have the habit of drinking tea, especially green tea. One of the secrets of Japanese people to stay young forever is because of this.

Green tea has excellent cancer prevention effects, as well as has antioxidants that help prevent aging, regenerate the skin, and purify the body. This drink also burns excess fat, giving Japanese women a slim body. That is also one of the secrets to staying young and beautiful every day not only for Japanese people in general but also for Japanese women in particular.

Wash your face with rice water

Washing your face with rice water is a daily habit of Japanese women. This is also the secret of the Japanese to stay young forever. Because this type of water contains many vitamins (B, C, E), antioxidants, and the active ingredient allantoin, rice water becomes a good candidate for maintaining skin beauty.

Japanese people often use rice water after removing all impurities from rice. They took the second water then cooled it for about 4 hours, decanted the water above and took the sediment below to wash their face. At the same time, Japanese women also regularly use rice water to massage their faces, helping the skin absorb vitamins and become shiny and smooth.

Regular skin care is a youthful and beautiful secret of Japanese women

Do you know that Japanese women’s secret to longevity is regular skin care? This determines the health and beauty of the skin. From a young age, girls are given specific and meticulous instructions on skin care. Because of this, it is not surprising that Japanese women are known as the eternally young people in the world.

Applying high-tech devices

There are many skincare devices including facial cleansing brush aiding to remove dirt and sebum more effectively and microcurrent devices which focus on forming skin elasticity. By using microcurrent devices as the supported steps when applying anti-aging serum can optimize the result (Caberlotto et al. 2017; Draelos and Akridge 2006; Draelos 2005). But please remember you should use water-based serum to ensure the effect of microcurrents on your skin do not be prevented.

Japanese women’s skin care and care routine is carried out regularly every day as follows:

Morning: Wash face -> apply serum -> apply sunscreen

Evening: Wash face -> apply serum -> apply moisturizer

In addition, women in this country are very diligent in applying seaweed skin care masks. This is also a way to stay young forever, because the nutrients in the mask provide nutrients to the skin, making the skin smooth, bright and full of vitality.




A skinholic tries to transfer boring knowledge from journal articles to vivid and straightforward information :>