Retinol: Anti-aging Potion for The 20s

Everything, Anything, That Faysha Thinks
Published in
5 min readFeb 22, 2024

What is retinol, what it treats, when should I start, and what to avoid

Now you’re in your 20s. You might have witnessed some wrinkles appear on your face. While it’s completely normal to age, you may start looking for anti-aging or wrinkle prevention products, or maybe even considering to do some treatment on it. Have you tried retinol?

Retinol is a popular anti-aging formula that comes in handy for flawless and even skin. Not only for anti-aging, retinol can also treat acnes, uneven skin tone, and smoothen skin texture. Its effectiveness in targeting signs of aging has made it a staple ingredient in many skincare products aimed at combating fine lines and wrinkles. While it’s a great one-for-all formula, you have to use it carefully so it gives you the best result!

What is retinol?

Retinol is a skin care ingredient that’s derived from vitamin A. Retinol works by stimulating collagen, the key in keeping skin plump and youthful, that could help with minimizing wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, etc.

Retinol also promotes the production of healthy skin cells, pushing out the dull ones, and results in increase of skin elasticity and smoother and more-even complexion. Note that it doesn’t mean that retinol is the same as exfoliant.

While it usually used as an anti-aging treatment, it actually helps with other problem too. It can regulate oil production and unclog pores that help with preventing and treating acne.

Retinol comes in various form, and the over-the-counter ones are in a form of serum, gel, cream, or lotion. However, they’re not all the same with their own concentration and formulation. It comes in various concentration that gives different results.

The benefits of using retinol

Best anti-aging and anti-wrinkle formula

So, you have known that retinol boosts collagen production of your skin. The thing is, collagen is the one that responsible in maintaining your skin’s elasticity and plumpness. This means, by regularly using retinol, you can effectively minimize wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging on your skin!

Getting rid uneven skin complexion

Melanin, the primary pigment responsible for skin color, can sometimes exhibit uneven production, thus resulting in uneven skin tone. Retinol that works by replacing the dull layer of your skin, removes the surface cells that produce melanin, and reveals newer and healthier skin underneath.

Improving skin texture

By promoting skin cell turnover, retinol replaces the dead and damaged cells with radiant and healthy ones underneath the dull skin. Thus, you will notice smoother and better skin texture due to the resurfacing of your hydrated skin!

Controlling acne

Known as the anti-aging hero, retinol also helps people to fight stubborn acne on their skin. Retinol regulates oil production and unclog pores that could help you in preventing birth of acne on your skin.

At what age should I start using retinol? Should I begin in my early 20?

The key in using retinol is: use it when you start to need it. There are no rules that say you should use retinol at a certain age. But as you enter your 20s, the collagen production in your skin starts to decrease, and you will start seeing some signs of aging skin. This is how your skin tells you that you might start to consider using retinol. But for some other cases, it can be used for the younger ones who arebattling with acne.

How to properly start using retinol

So, are you ready to use retinol? If yes, then you can start using it properly. Here are some key notes you have to remember as a first-timer on using retinol:

  1. Start with gentle retinol. The percentage of gentle retinols are around 0.2–0.3%.
  2. Apply in tiny amounts on dry, clean skin.
  3. Better use retinol at night, as UV light during the day could make your skin more sensitive and break down the retinol.
  4. If you just begin, you should integrate retinol in your routine slowly, maybe once a week. After that, you could gradually use it more often, or even every day if your skin has adapted with retinol.
  5. Avoid retinol if you’re pregnant.

What can I use together with retinol?

While retinol is a one for all ingredient, pairing it with the right companions can unlock even greater results! If you want to layer retinol with other ingredients, you can try doing skin cycling. But in short, here are some of the ingredients that are often being confused on whether to mix it with retinol or not.

Can I use retinol with niacinamide?

Yes, you can definitely use retinol and niacinamide together! Applying niacinamide before retinol could help with calming the side effect of retinol but also boosts the result on your skin.

Can I use retinol with vitamin c?

Proceed with caution! While both are popular for giving the best brightening result on your skin, using them together in the same routine can sometimes be too much for the skin and harm your skin barrier. Consider using them on alternate nights or consult your dermatologist for personalized advice.

Can I use retinol with hyaluronic acid?

Yes! Hyaluronic acid is a humectant, meaning it attracts and retains moisture. This is crucial as retinol can sometimes be drying. Layer hyaluronic acid under retinol for optimal hydration and a plump, healthy glow.

Should I put moisturizer after retinol?

Retinol can sometimes disrupt the skin’s moisture barrier. Applying a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer after retinol helps lock in hydration and protect your skin.

Side effects of retinol

Same as every other skin care ingredient, some skin might reject it and rather get side effects. If you find yourself in these conditions after using retinol, you should consider taking a break from retinol use.


Irritation might occur to everyone using retinol, actually. Especially if you are a first-timer in using it. You might find your skin with redness, burning feeling, dryness, or even flaking.


Retinol can make your skin layer thinner, thus making your skin more sensitive. This is why when you’re using retinol, you have to avoid sunlight that could give your skin sun damage. It is not recommended to use retinol during the day. Even if you only use it at night, make sure you don’t forget to wear your sunscreen in the morning!


Purging after retinol use is a common side effect you might experience due to your skin reaction towards active ingredient. Retinol-caused purging usually lasts in the first 4–8 weeks of use. But the good news is, it doesn’t last forever you will start seeing results after!



Everything, Anything, That Faysha Thinks

Writings from an Indonesian about everything, that she thinks💆‍♀️💖