Tretinoin 101: Advice for Beginners

Jeera Sinsuat
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2024

Tretinoin is a type of retinoid, a vitamin-A based product that is used for cosmetic purposes. It is commonly used to treat acne, hyperpigmentation and prevent signs of aging. If you are wondering if this treatment is right for you, keep reading to learn some facts about tretinoin. Then you can consult a doctor to prescribe you the treatment. Click here for more interesting facts about beauty and beauty tips.


Manage acne

Plenty of dermatologists prescribe tretinoin as a treatment for comedonal and inflammatory acne. The way tretinoin works is that it increases the cell turnover of the skin, exfoliates the top layer of skin, which helps to bring impurities to the surface. This rate of new skin formation calms down irritation from acne by clearing debris and sebum from the pores. Once the pores are clear, swelling and redness from acne is reduced.

Improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation and sun damage

One side effect from acne is the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which can worsen with sun exposure. Tretinoin helps to even out the skin tone and reveal brighter looking skin, due to its properties that increase skin cell turnover.

Even people who don’t struggle with acne can experience hyperpigmentation from sun damage. Sun damage can manifest itself in the skin such as freckles, sun spots, and melasma. While these uneven patches in the skin aren’t painful or damaging to one’s health, tretinoin is still a good option for those looking for an aesthetic solution to their uneven skin tone.

Prevent wrinkles and signs of aging

Wrinkles are a completely normal phenomenon in a human being’s life as they age. But who doesn’t want youthful and healthy looking skin even as they get older? As mentioned previously, tretinoin works by speeding up the skin cycle through exfoliation. Another effect of this process is the synthesis of collagen, which helps give the skin structure and keeps it looking plump.

Side Effects

Just like other medications and skincare products, tretinoin may have some side effects as well. It is generally safe to use, however, some beginner users usually experience some sort of minor skin irritation when they begin their treatment cycle.

Some side effects include visible peeling, due to the sped up skin turnover effects of tretinoin. Along with the peeling, other people experience redness and skin sensitivity. If being used for acne, tretinoin may make your acne “worse” before it gets better. This is called a “purge” and it happens because impurities and sebum rise to the surface of the skin in order for your acne to heal faster.

Most of these side effects resolve themselves on their own. Due to the skin being more sensitive when beginning the treatment, it is important to wear sunscreen and sun protection to prevent further irritation.

How to Get Started

Tretinoin may come in the form of a gel, cream, or lotion. Typically, gel tretinoin is recommended for those with oilier skin types. For those with normal skin types or those whose skin tend to dry out, creams or lotions would be preferred to reap the benefits of the extra moisture.

Tretinoin should be applied only at night because sun exposure can actually cancel out the effects of the treatment and can make your skin more sensitive. The “sandwich” method is recommended for beginner users. Once you go through your nightly skincare routine, apply moisturizer as usual and wait for it to be absorbed into the skin for about 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, apply a pea sized amount of tretinoin and massage it into your skin. Wait 2 minutes more and apply another layer of moisturizer. This method helps reduce the irritating and drying effects of the treatment.

For best results, tretinoin should be used as a long term treatment. It can start working as soon as 3 weeks of regular use, and visible effects may be noticed as soon as 3 months for acne prone users. With regular use, tretinoin helps speed up collagen production, reverses signs of aging, and reveals brighter, beautiful skin.

Remember to consult a doctor before starting your treatment and seek professional help when experiencing adverse side effects.

