ChatGPT for Mobile Gaming and Marketing: A Test Drive

MAF Blog
Published in
7 min readJan 4, 2023

This story originally appeared on the MyAppFree blog.

At the end of 2022, the internet absolutely exploded over ChatGPT.

As you probably know, ChatGPT by OpenAI is an AI-powered natural language processing tool that allows you to have human-like conversations — and much more.

People worldwide have been putting this tool to a test by asking different questions, logical and absurd, simple and complex.

We did the same.

Because we are all about mobile, we decided to test the possibilities of ChatGPT for mobile gaming and mobile marketing.

ChatGPT: Quick Overview

Before starting to use ChatGPT, it’s good to be aware of its main capabilities and limitations.

With this in mind, you’ll know exactly how you should form your questions and what kinds of responses to expect.

Key Capabilities

  • Generates high-quality answers as an alternative to Google search
  • Remembers previous conversations with the user
  • Declines inappropriate requests
  • Allows users to follow up on previous requests

Key Limitations

  • Occasionally provides inaccurate information
  • Delivers potentially biased content
  • Limited understanding of the world and events after 2021 (can’t browse the internet)
  • Very sensitive to phrasing

ChatGPT for Mobile Gaming and Mobile Marketing: Examples

Mobile professionals are all about trends and tech, so it’s no surprise that they were among the first groups to embrace ChatGPT.

They started testing for different purposes — as a replacement or addition to Google searches, as an ideation and copywriting tool, as customer service, etc.

Curious about how well it performs for each of these uses?

To find this out, we asked ChatGPT for mobile gaming and mobile marketing advice with some pretty specific prompts.

Let’s see how well it did.

Indie Developers

Question 1: Create a step-by-step guide every new hyper-casual game developer should implement when developing a new game.

With this question, we wanted to get an answer to a question that an indie developer would typically search for on Google. The response was exactly what we wanted to see — it covered all the basic steps for creating an indie game. We feel like, in this case, ChatGPT works equally well as reading a couple of blog posts on the subject, but saves you a lot of time.

Rating: 10/10

Question 2: What are some KPIs a new hyper-casual game should reach after release?

By setting this question, we wanted to check how well ChatGPT handles gaming industry specifics such as KPIs. While the answer is relevant, we feel like it neglected the #1 KPI when it comes to hyper-casual games — CPI.

However, once we followed up to specify that we also wanted to see advertising KPIs, the problem was resolved.

Rating: 9/10

Question 3: Can you list some benchmarks a hyper-casual game should achieve to be considered promising?

Now that we were assured ChatGPT is great at defining and guiding, we wanted to check how it handles data, so we asked for some benchmarks. Besides retention rate benchmarks, the results were fairly generic. Phrases like “a few minutes”, “large number” and “reasonable revenue” didn’t really provide the answers we were looking for.

But once again, a simple follow-up helped us get what we wanted. Once we highlighted we want to see specific numbers, this is exactly what we got. The only drawback is that, unlike in Google results, we don’t know where the data is coming from.

Rating: 8/10

Game Development Ideas

Question 1: Come up with a list of 10 names for the protagonist of a casual mobile game with a “lucky wheel” core.

Coming up with character names is something we usually brainstorm and use our imagination for. To test if ChatGPT can join the brainstorming session, we asked for a list of protagonist names for a fictional game. We got exactly what we asked for — but nothing intriguing. The results could be described as basic and obvious. In other words, we noticed a clear lack of a creative spark.

Rating: 3/10

Question 2: Can you suggest a narrative meta layer to include in a game with a “lucky wheel” core?

Today, almost every casual game consists of a core and a meta layer that works as a hook for players. Again, we asked ChatGPT to use its “imagination” to create an attractive storyline as a meta layer. In these results, we noticed a bias towards fantasy due to motives like sorcerers, post-apocalypse, and space. However, we can’t say the results were bad. ChatGPT could definitely work as a basis or add-on for creating game scenarios.

Rating: 7/10

Question 3: I am building a game that features a story about a group of friends who are on a quest to find a hidden treasure and need to spin a lucky wheel to get past different obstacles. What kind of tutorial should I implement?

As you can see, we set a pretty specific question here. This is because we wanted to feed ChatGPT with as much info to ensure a quality response. It turned out to be very good — it’s clear that the chatbot is familiar with the industry’s best practices.

Rating: 9/10

App Store Customer Service

Question 1: Write 5 versions of a developer’s response to a player of a mobile game who complains about too many ads.

This is one of the most common situations hyper-casual developers deal with in the app stores. In a lot of cases, we see them copy-pasting the same reply over and over again, which players can notice. With ChatGPT, they can quickly generate different reply versions, save time, and give the impression that they put a lot of effort into it.

Rating: 10/10

Question 2: Write 5 versions of a developer’s response to a player that complains the game is not like in the ads.

It’s no secret that fake mobile game ads are a plague of the mobile industry. For this reason, a lot of users complain about false advertising in app stores. It’s not simple to justify using this questionable practice, so we asked ChatGPT to give us a couple of ideas. The replies turned out to be very good and to the point. On a less positive note, in these replies, we noticed quite a lot of repetitiveness (identical sentences and phrases).

Rating: 8/10

User Acquisition

Question 1: Create user stories to advertise a hyper-casual racing game where players run to collect blocks to build bridges and race with other players. The game contains more than 1000 levels and includes things like sliders, trampolines, ladders, and zip lines.

For this question, we actually used the app store description of Bridge Race, one of the hottest hyper-casual games on the market. We can’t say we’re thrilled about the results we got — they seem quite general and robotic. They all start with the term “as a” and describe the game in detail, something gamers don’t typically do.

Once we followed up with a prompt to fix this, the results became a bit more realistic, but they still didn’t feel completely legit.

Rating: 5/10

Question 2: Create a scenario for a 30-second video ad for a hyper-casual racing game where players run to collect blocks to build bridges and race with other players. The game contains more than 1000 levels and includes things like sliders, trampolines, ladders, and zip lines.

Here, we used the identical game description as in the previous question. But, instead of user stories, we asked for a script for a video ad.

The results were pretty disappointing and unimaginative. Most importantly, it lacks a good hook needed to capture the users’ attention. The suggested script is all about gameplay which rarely makes up for an attractive ad.

But, this is not even the worst part. The voiceover text “get ready to race to the finish in the ultimate hyper-casual racing game” is completely robotic. Based on this, we’d say people who do this definitely don’t have to fear for their jobs.

Rating: 2/10

Wrapping Up on ChatGPT for Mobile Gaming and Mobile Marketing

From our point of view, ChatGPT definitely has a place in the future of mobile gaming and mobile marketing.

Our experiments have shown us that the tool works best when it comes to Google-like queries and customer-service tasks. To get the most out of it, it is crucial to fine-tune your requests and ask follow-up questions.

On the other hand, it’s not nearly as good with creative work. Whenever we asked it to perform a task that required creative thinking, ChatGPT gave us a pretty obvious and robotic response.

Now, we want to hear from you.

What are your thoughts on using ChatGPT for mobile gaming and mobile marketing? What have you tried using it for? Leave us a comment and let us know!

