​​HGC Istanbul 2023: Was It a Game Changer?

MAF Blog
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2023

This story originally appeared on the MAF blog.

Last week, the Hyper Games Conference took place in Istanbul, bringing together over 1200 mobile gaming professionals from all corners of the globe. Despite the event being relatively small, chances are you’ve already heard about it, as it’s been creating a lot of buzz online.

On LinkedIn, numerous photos and positive comments are getting shared. But was it really as amazing as people say? Is it worth feeling a bit of FOMO for missing the event, or can you peacefully skip the next edition of HGC Istanbul?

As conference attendees, we had a front-row seat to all the action, and we’re happy to provide you with our unfiltered review that will give you an inside look into HGC Istanbul.

Hyper Games Conference VS Hyper Games Summit

The Hyper Games Conference is a premier gaming industry event that hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including invite-only summits and open-to-all conferences.

This B2B event brings together professionals from the mobile gaming scene offering networking opportunities and insightful talks on the latest trends and developments in the mobile gaming market.

After attending the exclusive summit last fall and the open-to-all edition in April, I found that one event topped the other.

Last fall’s summit offered a unique opportunity to connect with industry leaders and gain valuable insights, this edition proved to be much more valuable to us. The biggest win of this edition over the fall summit? The open nature of the event.

Networking Nirvana

As I planned my trip to attend the Hyper Games Conference, my primary goal was to connect with new game development studios that could potentially lead to exciting new partnerships.

Fortunately, the wide range of attendees at this edition of the conference created a relaxed and approachable atmosphere, boosting networking opportunities.

One thing that made the process of networking particularly smooth was the fact that HGC uses the PINE tool. As soon as I purchased my ticket, I received an invitation to the platform where I could create my own profile and explore all the participants and sessions.

Thanks to this tool, I was able to easily look up all of the studios attending the event and book meetings in advance, which helped me make the most out of my time.

Was HGC all Rainbows and Butterflies?

There is no such thing as a perfect event. HGC focused on mobile gaming, which made networking easy since everyone in attendance was active in the same industry. In contrast, larger events like MWC sometimes scatter app and game businesses throughout the venue, making it difficult to network efficiently.

However, bigger events usually organize great post-event parties where the “real” networking happens. At MAF, we’re fans of these beyond-the-booth parties, as they provide a more casual setting to make valuable connections. That’s why we always compile a list of the best parties and side events for our readers during big conferences on our socials.

Unfortunately, there weren’t many parties or side events organized around HGC, which was a missed opportunity. Were there any after-parties at all? Yes, HGC Istanbul organized one official evening networking event, available only to those with a premium ticket or speakers.

I would have loved to see more after-parties during this event. I mean, it’s a two-day conference, and people come from all over the world. They are probably looking for a fun way to fill their evening.

By adding some casual networking opportunities outside of the conference hall, HGC Istanbul could make their event stand out and attract a bigger crowd next time around. Let’s face it, networking can be exhausting, but with some fun activities thrown into the mix, attendees will leave feeling ready for more!

Less Talking, More Listening

At this event, I was mainly focused on 1-on-1 sessions and meeting new people. I skipped out on the speaker sessions, but looking back, I really wish I hadn’t.

There were some amazing topics like Hybrid-Casual, Web3, and Global Trends that I heard were spot on. People I met during the event were praising the speakers and their presentations, so I definitely missed out.

But let’s be real, there are only so many hours in a day, and you can’t be in two places at once. Hopefully, HGC Istanbul will add some extra after-hours networking events next time so that I can make time for the talks during the day.

But before getting ahead of myself, I’m off to Mobidictum next week. Have you planned your next event yet? If not, check out our Conference calendar! It’s packed with all the important mobile marketing and mobile gaming events happening in 2023.

