How MyChips Integration Brought Moppy a 4x Revenue Increase

MAF Blog
Published in
7 min readJun 5, 2024

This story originally appeared on the MAF blog.

Ceres Co., Ltd. is the company behind Moppy, one of Japan’s biggest GPT (Get-Paid-To) websites.

Moppy was founded in 2005 with the philosophy of “creating a prosperous world through Internet marketing.” Today, it has grown into the leading Japanese GPT website by the number of users.

What do they do at Moppy to constantly attract new users? What are their growth strategies? Why did they decide to integrate the MyChips offerwall?

To find out all this and more, we sat down with Masanori Sakashita and Takanori Murata, managers of Ceres Point Media Division.

Masanori Sakashita and Takanori Murata from Ceres Point Media Division

Key Insights

  • With a total of 12 million registered users, Moppy is the no.1 GPT website in Japan
  • Each month, Moppy acquires about 100,000 new users through various customer acquisition strategies
  • Moppy’s revenue went up by 4x within six months after introducing MyChips
  • MyChips provides Moppy with unique offers users can’t find on other offerwalls

Could you explain what Moppy is and what its main features are?

Sakashita: Moppy is a GPT service available through a website and an app. It allows users to earn redeemable points by interacting with other apps and websites via Moppy. For example, by shopping online, downloading apps, playing free games, etc.

Today, Moppy has a total of 12 million users, making it the number one GPT site in Japan by the number of users. Moreover, the app has been downloaded by over 4.7 million users.

We have reached a level of recognition where, when someone wants to say “GPT site”, they often simply say Moppy instead.

Since Moppy has such a large userbase, advertisers find it more attractive and reliable than other similar sites on the market. Moppy offers an impressive number of campaigns and high point return rates, making it an enjoyable experience for our users.

Who are Moppy users and how do they use it?

Sakashita: About half of the users of Moppy are in their 20s to 30s, and the ratio of men and women is almost equal. It is used by a wide range of users regardless of gender or age.

Some of the service categories our users interact most with are finance, credit cards, real estate, apps, beauty, and shopping.

The finance category is particularly popular among our users due to its high return rates. This results in a higher average revenue per user (ARPU) compared to other categories, as well as strong user engagement and satisfaction levels.

What are the main reasons users choose Moppy over other GPT websites?

Sakashita: Moppy’s key feature is its high point redemption rate. We believe it’s extremely important to provide our users with the best deals possible, so we make sure to offer high value in every campaign.

Every month, we get roughly 100,000 new users, which reflects our influence in the Internet service industry. To make sure we attract high-quality users, we put a lot of effort and resources into organic search and influencer marketing.

As the number of Moppy users continues to grow, advertisers are eager to place their ads on our site, allowing us to provide better offers for our users.

The more deals with great conditions we are able to offer, the more our userbase grows. This creates a synergistic effect that benefits all sides!

Today, Moppy is one of the largest GPT sites in Japan. How has it expanded since its founding?

Murata: Our expansion came as a result of several factors. One of them is the boom of poikatsu (accumulating points) that happened in Japan over the past few years.

During the coronavirus pandemic, poikatsu and similar activities gained a lot of popularity. We took advantage of this trend through targeted promotions, which had a big impact on our expansion.

Sakashita: Another thing that played an important role is the variety of point redemption options we offer. Points earned with Moppy can be redeemed not only for cash but also in other point services.

Murata: That’s true, when I joined the company, it was very popular to collect airline Miles. I got the impression that many people use Moppy because they can earn miles without having to board a plane. There is even a special new term to describe this — “Land Miler”.

Sakashita: Rather than focusing on being the main players, I believe Moppy was able to expand thanks to its integration with different companies and the ability to adapt to current market trends.

Earlier, you mentioned that you’re acquiring 100,00 new users every month. What do you do to make sure these new users continue to use your service?

Sakashita: The key to keeping users engaged on GPT sites is creating a sense of accomplishment from the beginning. We call this a “successful experience.”

We try to create this sense of accomplishment from the moment they register and we show them how to complete tasks and accumulate points.

We do this because many people learn about Moppy through social media and think, “I want to try this.” By motivating them from the start and helping them accumulate points, we turn that initial curiosity into long-term engagement.

What circumstances and deciding factors led you to introduce MyChips to your website?

Murata: The main reason for introducing MyChips was its ability to run P2E (Play to Earn) campaigns. MyChips is the only offerwall provider in Japan that allows users to earn points based on so-called playtime. I was quite intrigued when I first heard about it, as I wasn’t familiar with this concept before.

For a while, we had been brainstorming on how to engage users in their disposable time. We concluded that introducing an offerwall with playtime rewards could encourage users to keep using our site for a longer period of time.

With app-based campaigns, it often takes time to earn points, requiring users to reach certain achievements, e.g. clear a certain level.

On the other hand, in P2E campaigns, users can enjoy games at their own pace and earn points without pressure. We felt that this brings a lot of benefits for users, so we decided to introduce it.

What were the effects of introducing MyChips?

Sakashita: Sales exceeded expectations from the first month of introduction.

To be completely honest, I was initially uncertain how much we could gain from introducing MyChips and P2E campaigns. We were in for a very positive surprise, as the numbers were immediately higher than expected. Over six months, revenues have grown by 4x.

We hope that, by leveraging P2E campaigns, where users earn points for their engagement and playstyle, the usage rate will increase even further.

What are the reactions of users who are actively engaged with P2E campaigns?

Sakashita: The ability to earn points by simply playing games is groundbreaking compared to the conventional mission achievement system.

As users engage with advertised apps, the more points they earn. This allows them to accumulate points by using the apps they like, at their own pace and in their free time.

Equally important, after introducing MyChips, we didn’t see a decline in revenue from other offerwalls. In fact, we noticed that more users are engaging with multiple offerwalls, which led to an increase in time spent on our site.

Since you have experience working with multiple offerwalls, could you share the key differences between MyChips and other offerwalls?

Murata: With other offerwall providers, it would often happen that multiple offerwalls featured very similar offers. However, with MyChips, we never had this issue.

Since this offerwall features a broad range of global apps, users can’t find similar offers in other offerwalls.

Many apps listed on MyChips are yet not well-known in Japan, but I believe they will become popular in the future. The ability to access offers from various apps is one of the greatest benefits of using MyChips.

What kinds of companies would you recommend MyChips to?

Murata: Besides GPT sites, I believe comic and gaming apps could be a great fit for MyChips. It would even be interesting to see offerwalls in dating apps as well.

Sakashita: Indeed. As long as it’s a service where users can make purchases, you can introduce MyChips. For example, I think it’s possible to create a system where users earn points for their purchases. It would even be possible to use the MyChips offerwall to enable users to make monthly payments with points.

To wrap things up, could you tell us a bit about your future plans and goals?

Sakashita: By 2026, we aim to generate half of the company’s revenues from Moppy. To achieve that goal, we plan to continue expanding our services, introduce new revenue streams, and focus on business development and partnerships.

Murata: In terms of the Moppy business, we want to diversify our user base to attract people with various interests, such as playing games — not just collecting points. By offering a wider range of services through Moppy, even more users will get to enjoy the perks of MyChips.

