BadASS Reality Check

My BadASS Life VLOG — 11/2/23

Cindy Coe (CC)
My BadASS Life
3 min readNov 7, 2023


Introducing My BadASS Life — The VLOG!

Introducing My BadASS Life — The VLOG!

You may have noticed I took a little break — Yes, I know, rude because I am Mid-survival series! I promise I will get back to it, but frankly, the idea of re-living chemo (next up in the series) in order to write about it didn’t help the mind space I was in the last couple of weeks! The following video (and subsequent videos and posts) will explain things. Suffice it to say I needed to step away from “cancer thinking” for a minute and focus on some other things — like my emotional well-being. I’m back, and I also continue to recognize what a tough balancing act the mental part of this journey can be, even in remission. So, I am not going to put so much pressure on myself to always do this stuff perfectly and that means this blog and everything else I have on my plate. I know I have to occasionally turn off my inner perfectionist — easier said than done, and just BE. If you have suggestions, I’d love to hear them. In the meantime…

Last week I did a thing!

I decided to supplement this blog with some videos that cover topics, which I think are better covered by video. It’s a bit of an experiment at the moment so we will see where it goes! Yes, I know Medium is a writing site but a little video on a writing site never hurt anyone, right?!? Check it out and let me know what you think! These videos will appear on Instagram, Facebook, our Vimeo Channel and YouTube.

In this vlog, I talk about the reality of how long it takes for a body to recover from cancer treatment and the mental/emotional toll it takes; along with a discussion of how scanxiety affects most #CancerSurvivors.

The very first My BadASS Life VLOG entry! 🎉

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I am not a doctor. I am married to one, but she’s the other kind thus all opinions herein are my own and should not be considered as medical advice. Please, do your own homework, make your own choices, and consult your own experts!

In addition to THIS BLOG, my personal writings on Medium can be found HERE. Feel free to follow me so you get an email each time I publish!

You can find all of CCnDoc’s adventures as well as freebies, our social media accounts, books, and fun merch HERE. My articles may sometimes include affiliate links and other links to make purchases, whereby I will make a small commission. Purchases and donations help support this blog, our podcast, social media efforts, my healthcare costs and they supplement my donations to cancer organizations.💙

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Cindy Coe (CC)
My BadASS Life

Welcome to My BadASS Life! 1/2 @CCnDoc, Semi-retired CEO, Exec Coach, Author, Podcaster, Digital Creator & CRC BadASS, living bold after stage 3b rectal cancer.