*Exclusive Interview* Influencers of Entertainment: Nile Evans

Danna Davis
My Beautiful Brown Life
6 min readJan 29, 2019
Image Credit:http://nileevans.com/

The entertainment industry is like one big bowl of different flavor candies, some of them are blue, red and orange. What they all have in common is that they are together in one place, that place could mean LA, or the Big Apple. Everybody needs someone to share their expertise, don’t we? The words from creative genius Nile Evans are words that every young film or future executive needs to hear. Mr. Evans is responsible for the show that us millennials watch to make us laugh and forget about our worries, that show is MTV’s Wild’n Out. Mr. Evans was gracious enough to give us an exclusive interview on how he began his career in the industry, his dreams of being in the entertainment industry, and how he became a man on his journey of discovery, in the city of lights, camera, and action!

My interview with Nile Evans consists of seven valuable questions about the entertainment industry and encouraging words for future filmmakers/ Executive Producers in the making.

Question #1: How did you begin your career in the Entertainment Industry?

Nile Evans ” I began his career through my Uncle Bentley Kyle Evans, who at the time was the co-creator of The Jamie Foxx Show. Having an uncle in the entertainment industry to show him how the industry operates, helped the young dreamer decide that this was exactly what he wanted to do. Nile Evans was nurtured and inspired not only by his uncle, but by other young film makers who were starting out, such as Spike Lee when he saw the film (Do The Right Thing). Before Nile began his film career, he attended college like most of us, yet having the guts to step out on faith that took him back to his dream, which no longer included college.”

Nile Evans ” I was later hired by his Uncle Bentley as a production assistant. Soon after, his Uncle Bentley took him under his wing as a writers’ apprentice on the hit television series, The Jamie Foxx Show. Nile worked his way through different ranks, from being an apprentice, writers assistant and as an on-set punch-up writer, meeting different comedians and A-listers in the process. Later on, he I Nick Cannon through my Uncle Bentley. Nick and I started developing different projects and produced the show that is now called Wild’n Out. Shedding light on so many different comedians, like Kevin Hart and Katt Williams.

Question #2: Was being in the entertainment industry your dream?

Absolutely! says Nile Evans, saying that he wanted to be in the entertainment industry since he was 12 years old, he went on to say ” He never wanted to be a doctor or lawyer”. Ever since he saw Spike Lee in the film”Do The Right Thing,” he knew exactly what he wanted to do. Also, fortunately having his uncle to guide him and placing him at the starting point of his career, he was able to go wherever he wanted in the line of producing.

” LA in the entertainment industry in not always about what you know, it is who you know and your ability to recognize opportunity.” -Nile Evans

Question #3: Who influenced your career choice?

“I wouldn’t say anybody, but myself in my career choice and my career choice was basically my own,” replied Nile Evans. Nile Evans went onto describe that when he was young, he was a pretty good bullshitter, he was a good liar and as a good liar you can tell stories, and if you can tell stories then that means you are pretty good writer. Nile elaborated on when he was young he wrote a Martin Luther King Jr. story and after winning an award for his story, his mother told him one thing; “he was a great writer.” Hearing those simple and powerful words gave Nile the confidence that he was good at something at such a young age, and everyone needs that, says Nile Evans.

Question #4: What would you say to a young producer of filmmaker getting into the entertainment industry?

“You can’t do it remotely, says Nile Evans. “If you want to build cars you move to Detroit, if you want to be in the entertainment business you can’t live in Kansas, you just can’t do it. So you have to be where it is and unless you come to where it is, then you are not serious about it. Once you are serious about your craft, then you’ll take those risks and take that leap of faith and come to Los Angeles to emerce yourself in the business. A lot of people talk about what they want to do, but they are few people who actually do it and have the perseverance to take on the challenge and take the risk. Life is all about taking risks, the bigger the risk the bigger the reward, and I would say to anyone whose looking to get into the film or television business that you got to take a lot of risks and make a few sacrifices, but it will pay off if you really want it or not.”-Nile Evans

“The success will determine if you want it or not. Wheater you succeed or not is not up to the industry, it’s strictly up to you.When entering this industry you better be ready to play the game and play to win. The entertainment industry is not for everyone so having thick skin is essential .”-Nile Evans

Question #5: What would you say is important for any future producer to have before they enter this hardcore industry?

“Like I said having tough skin, says Nile Evans. A degree does not matter in the entertainment industry, unless you want to be a network executive. I have people with master’s degrees getting me coffee and I don’t have a bachelor’s degree. So it’s really about your perseverance and your hustle in what your willing to put forth in your craft, you are only going to reap what you sew. So I would say, that people really need to jump in and emerce themselves, take it seriously and work on your craft.”- Nile Evans

Question #6: What words of encouragement would you tell my generation in pursuing this career path?

“Don’t compromise your morals and values. There are people who don’t mind being a whore for the industry. Some people come up that way and you necessarily don’t have to do that. You have to play the game, but you don’t have to sacrifice your dignity or moral ethics to do so. So I would say, be safe and know if your running into a scam, also be able to recognize that.”-Nile Evans

Question #7: In one word describe the person that you’ve become, since starting your career?

“Man, replied Nile Evans. Everything that encompasses being a man. When Nile and Nick Cannon started Wild’n Out, Nile entered the world of fatherhood when his son was born. This was a big growing up phase for him, and ten years later he has twin girls. Nile Evans says, “it all reminds you that you have to be a man at all times; you have to be a man for your family, you have to be a man for your children. You have to just go off and become a man and own your manhood, and you don’t have to compromise that for anyone. So I think that would be the one word that embodies myself and that I’m definelty a man in every sense of the word.” Nile Evans

Image Credit:http://nileevans.com/

*Tips to being in the entertainment industry: ” Being in the entertainment industry is very vast so you need to know exactly what you want to do, whether you want to be in front of the camera or behind the camera. It all matters on what your happy doing in the industry and what makes you happy.” — Nile Evans

“If you don’t love what you’re doing than it’s going to be work, and if you love what you do then it makes the work that much easier.”-Nile Evans

Follow his journey and see his life on : http://nileevans.com/ You would never know what you are capable of unless you search and look at foundations already built.





Danna Davis
My Beautiful Brown Life

My name is Danna Davis. I am an Author, Video Creator and lover of people. Follow my journey to becoming healthy while writing about my adventures.