About MyBit

A quick summary of MyBit and how it works.

Joost Toornend
3 min readJul 10, 2018


Welcome to our about us page. Here you are at the right point to learn more about MyBit. Please start with the video underneath.


MyBit is the world’s most advanced IoT investment Ecosystem. Its two flagship products include a decentralised investment platform (MyBit DApp) and the world’s first decentralized IoT asset exchange (MYDAX). Powered by Ethereum.

By enabling everyone to invest in revenue generating machines, MyBit redefines the way people generate income.

Founded in Switzerland by industry veterans, MyBit believes that people should be able to follow their passion instead of having to work to survive. By redefining the way people generate income, MyBit strives to democratise financial services so everyone has equal access to investment opportunities.

This becomes critical when the future machine economy automates 800 million jobs by 2030 (Mckinsey, 2017) and the average person, whose job is automated, has no ability to participate in this new economy. MyBit provides an ecosystem for the upcoming 11.1 Trillion dollar IoT industry (Forbes, 2017), with the belief that everyone should have an equal opportunity to participate in this revolution.


The MyBit Decentralized Application (DApp) is the backbone of the MyBit Ecosystem. It enables anyone to invest directly in IoT assets. All at a fraction of the cost of traditional platforms and investment funds. The MyBit DApp is the future of investing.


The MyBit Decentralized Asset Exchange (MYDAX) is a revolutionary technology, providing liquidity to a historically illiquid market for the first time ever. It is the first Decentralized IoT Asset Exchange in the world and has ambitions to be the backbone of the new machine economy.

