MyBit Go Beta Released



As 2018 rolls to a close we have an exciting announcement. We are proud to release the MyBit Go Beta!

There are still several tasks to complete prior to our anticipated Q2 main-net launch, but we are well on our way and the finish line is near.

So what is included in this release?

The most notable feature updates are around the asset manager role and listing assets.

1. We integrated Civic to manage the identity of asset managers.
2. We enabled asset listings based on geography.
3. We implemented the management fee functionality. Where asset managers choose the percentage of asset revenue they receive for overseeing the asset.
4. We added asset collateral. The feature where asset managers lock an amount of MYB to give investors security that the asset managers will perform their actions as required or suffer financial loss.
5. We updated the portfolio page to have both a view for investors and a view for asset managers.

While some small pieces still need to be added and/or updated prior to the main-net launch, the current release should allow for full testing from the listing process to the funding process to the payout process.

What is coming next?

A few things are going to change — mostly related to workflow.

As mentioned in our end of year summary here, we are going to focus on migrating development away from our core team to eliminate the single point of failure risk in 2019. This means that instead of our core team going dark and hacking away, followed by big update releases, we are going to try a more real time, transparent, and collaborative method where anyone can get their hands dirty, and not just developers.

Much more specific details on this transition will be released in January.

In the mean time please test out the Beta and share your feedback or any bugs you notice.
For those tech savvy users you can open issues directly on github here
If github is a foreign world to you, please share on our telegram here

And a last note. Please make sure to subscribe to this blog and social media channels so you do not miss any important project updates. In 2019 news will be coming out much more frequently than in the past and will always be important so your time is not wasted.

Thank you so much for supporting MyBit through 2018 and we are excited to foster a more collaborative and hands on community in 2019.

Happy New Year,
The MyBit Team



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MyBit enables the rapid building, testing, and deployment of wealth management applications on the Ethereum Blockchain.