MyBit integrates with Bancor Protocol

Joost Toornend


Providing token holders with continuous, cross-chain liquidity.

Hi guys!

Today, we’re excited to announce our latest strategic cooperation — with Bancor, the world’s largest decentralized liquidity network.

We’ll get onto why we’re so excited in a moment, but first a bit about Bancor.

Bancor specialises in offering continuous, cross-chain liquidity, which means users are able to convert any two tokens without a counterparty. All at an automatically calculated price. They use an innovative ‘connector’ token method to calculate the price without the need to match two parties in an exchange.

So Bancor is basically the opposite of a traditional, centralized exchange. And this means we can avoid all of the usual problems associated with them — like trusting others to hold your crypto, excessive fees, a lack of liquidity and having to manually find buyers and sellers.

We want to integrate all of this functionality into our DApp. To do that, we’ll incorporate a one-click buy option within the DApp itself. Plus, any token on the Bancor Network can be converted in a few simple clicks from the MyBit platform.

The other reason we’re so excited about Bancor is more philosophical: they share our vision.

The MyBit project was founded to create a future where financial services and investment opportunities are decentralized and accessible to everyone. With their focus on decentralization and automation, Bancor is the natural project to take MyBit to new heights. And it’s why the entire MyBit team is excited to be working with a project that shares this same vision for the future.

MyBit will be added to the Bancor Protocol in the beginning of this week.

Don’t forget to clap!

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Joost Toornend
Writer for

Marketing Manager at Mymesh | Tech Enthusiast