Weekly Update [W.28]

Joost Toornend


Hi Guys!

It’s been an action-packed week here at MyBit and we’ve got a lot to share with you. Let’s start with some people news: MyBit continues to grow and this week we’re happy to introduce the newest members of our team.

First up is Branislav, our new developer. Ever since he was a child, Brani has enjoyed tinkering with computers, which made Computer Science an obvious career choice. He studied in Belgrade, honing his professional skills while working in Belgrade, Zurich, Amsterdam, Berlin and other European cities. Brani loves fin-tech applications, making blockchain a natural fit for him. He’s also a fervent supporter of open source technology. He could not wait to start his adventure at MyBit. Welcome Brani!

We’d also like to introduce Hugo, our new business developer. He’ll be supporting Ian and Joost with all of their new business activities: from finding new partners to organising events and growing the community. For MyBit, it’s essential the team has the right capacity in order to scale. Hugo’s role will give us a valuable advantage in this area.

We picked a new group of people from the Alpha signups. These members have been added to the Alpha test group. If you want to join the Alpha test group, please briefly fill in these questions.

And now for some community news. We have launched the Special Forces program this week, a group of community members who are particularly effective at getting the MyBit out. This group is very important for the growth of the community. We’re opening it up to existing members of the community — so message Sneaky Penguin or DynamiteGlove on the Discord server.

We’re still trying to resolve the situation with HitBTC. IT OK has started a group to collect all of the their responses, which should help us all as we move forward. Send your HitBTC responses to the designated Discord channel — and as we are more powerful together.

Lastly, a quick update from the marketing team. This week saw the launch of our Universal Basic Income blog. We looked at whether the idea of a basic income is an unachievable utopia or a practical solution for the future — and how MyBit is redefining the way people generate income now and tomorrow.

Our Solidity guru, Kyle, also wrote an in-depth tech blog looking at how Ethereum and EOS match up. He set out the reasons we built our DApp on Ethereum while keeping a watchful eye on the ever-developing EOS network.

Remember our fantastic brand video?

We also need to thank our partner, Video4commerce, for creating an amazing behind-the-scenes video from our recent brand film shoot. We’re proud to unveil for you now. Watch the video below to see all the stages that went into creating our standout brand film.

As always, feel free to reach out to us on Discord, Telegram or Reddit with any questions or thoughts.

Until next time!

The MyBit Team



Joost Toornend
Writer for

Marketing Manager at Mymesh | Tech Enthusiast