Welcome to MyBit! Start Here.

Ian Worrall



MyBit designs products that open up the world, creating tools that enable freedom and wealth generation for everyone. We believe that closed, centrally controlled systems limit our potential as a society, and that truly transparent and open collaboration will power the future.

The MyBit Ecosystem consists of four components: MyBit Ventures, MyBit Applications, Task.Market and the MyBit Token (MYB).

MyBit allows anyone to finance and build blockchain-powered products that will revolutionise and disrupt transaction-based industries.

Developers can leverage open source resources like the MyBit SDK to quickly build, deploy and test new applications on the Ethereum Blockchain..

Entrepreneurs can pitch innovative product ideas to the community, who will vote to award project funding through MyBit Ventures.

Non-Technical Contributors can access Task.Market to get involved and be rewarded financially for their contribution to the development of the MyBit Ecosystem.

The MyBit Community will be fully in charge of the project by the end of 2019 as we transition to a fully decentralised governance structure. That means we will be creating one of the first self-governing co-operative tech projects on the web and create a blueprint for future DAOs. Our community will not only deploy the MyBit Token (MYB) to develop and scale projects, but also stake the tokens to vote on major company decisions and operations.

Company Information

MyBit began operations as a Swiss not for profit entity in July 2017 after raising 10,000 ETH in phase 1 of the MyBit Token Distribution. In Q2 2019 we migrated domicile to the Cayman Islands due to the excess costs, bureaucracy, and regulatory/license requirements.

It’s founders include: Ian Worrall and Thomas Pollan. Within 6 months of beginning operations, Thomas Pollan was replaced with current-day CTO, Jose Aguinaga, who was more suited for the position.

The MyBit Team (as of Q1 2019) spans several continents with team members from Canada, USA, Mexico, Portugal, Switzerland, Russia, and New Zealand. By not restricting employees to one location MyBit is able to pull the best of the best from a global pool of talent.

Our vision is to utilise the power of smart contracts to eliminate the need for centralised sources of trust while creating a collaborative company structure that allows us to fund, incubate and scale the technology.

For the last year, we’ve been using our seed funds to create functional products that deliver on our vision, because building is believing. We’re building for collaboration, cooperation, and the promise of an open world.

Our core products include:

MyBit Go — A decentralised investment platform powered by Ethereum that lets anyone invest in IoT and digital assets without a bank or broker. (Beta, Ropsten TestNet)

MyBit DAO — Aragon powered governance for the MyBit Ecosystem. (Beta, Ethereum, MainNet)

MYDAX — A decentralised exchange focusing on user-friendliness and ease of use. (in-development)

Task.Market — Formerly powered by Bounties.Network, a platform for decentralised workflows which we are transitioning to integrate directly with DAOs. (in-development)

To view all our products and tools check here.

The following is a curated list of links to vital resources.

Website: https://mybit.io/

Continuous Token Distribution: https://td.mybit.io/

Content Portal: https://learn.mybit.io/

Transparency Portal: https://hq.mybit.io/

Github: https://github.com/mybitfoundation

Telegram: https://t.me/mybitio

Community Chat (Reddit): https://www.reddit.com/r/MyBitToken/



Ian Worrall
Writer for

Founder @ MyBit. Decentralisation needs to happen for the future of the human race. Blockchain and Crypto are just tools to help make it achievable.