Le Spleen de Paris - Waa Wei

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2 min readApr 16, 2019

This song was sung by my favorite Taiwan female singer, not one of, favorite!, Waa Wei.

She is artless and grace, we can hear that kind of her from the radio live show every weekday 21:00(listen live from http://www.hitoradio.com/newweb/174dj, or you can find the app in here). Trust me, she will bring you lots of laughs, sometimes when I feel down, it shows the magic from her voice and cures my bad mood.

Her innocence spread in her songs, this makes her songs full of image. Her voice fills flexible into each song she sang and generate many imaginary wonderlands(HaHaHa).

Now I want to translate this song, it’s not a hit song, but I really love the drum and the musicality plus her voice, what a perfect match!


你會喜歡我嗎 如果沒有她

Would you love me, If without her


You didn’t answer


Yes, it is hard to answer the hypothetical question

如果沒有她 你會喜歡我嗎

If without her, will you love me

你可以說謊 好讓我開心那麼一下下

Could you please lie to me, just let me feel happy even only one second…

那封寫了一半的信 一半是奇形怪狀的愛情

The letter wrote only half and the other half is my grotesque love

是無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲 還是實驗室隔離的病菌

Is the unaccompanied violin sonata, or the isolated bacteria in the laboratory

寫下愚蠢的想像力 行走在掩飾的紛紛情慾

Write down my stupid imagination, to hide my autonomous love and hate

像被遺棄在路邊的紙盒 淋了場大雨後模糊爛透

Just like the abandoned carton in the sidewalk, get rotten after a heavy rain

你會喜歡我嗎 如果沒有她

Would you love me, If without her


You didn’t answer


Yes, it is hard to answer the hypothetical question

如果沒有她 你會喜歡我嗎

If without her, will you love me

你可以說謊 好讓我開心那麼一下下

Could you please lie to me, just let me feel happy even only one second…

你是巴黎的憂鬱 被切割成無數情節的巷弄

Le Spleen de Paris, divided into uncountable alleys each one contains one story.

我只是個迷途的旅人 你會喜歡我嗎

I’m just a tourist and got lost, Will you love me

(I very love this part, the pronunciations of “one second” is “xià”, melancholy is“Yōuyù”, the traveler is “Lǚrén” and the last one is “what?” is “Ma”, repeat many many times, let me feel that I’m entangled deep into the music!)

Hope you enjoy it!

P.S: She got a baby recently, I’m very happy for her!




Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value — A. Einstein