MYCoin International and the power of private transactions!

MyCoin International
MyCoin International
2 min readApr 25, 2018

Ever wondered why privacy has become the need of the hour? With data leaks and non-transparency at various levels privacy has become very important to an individual. Right from the usual transaction with vendors to buy stuff online to transferring money to a friend. There is no privacy, and a hack or any other malicious attack becomes inevitable.

What’s the solution?

A coin that’s really easy to convert into fiat currency for vendors. This creates a smooth flow of business dealings and provides high levels of liquidity. MYCoin International is the coin that does all this, MYCoin as a platform is used for safe and private transactions. Each and every algorithm based CryptoNight transfer by default, blurs both sending and receiving addresses. There is privacy even for the amounts that have been transacted. This privacy scheme enables every user’s activity by enhancing the privacy of other users. MYCoin’s privacy coins don’t perform like other selectively transparent cryptocurrencies, it provides total transparency.

MYCoin is different! How?

Bringing in a lot of trusted vendors for an easy transaction is the aim that drives MYCoin International. However, as a CryptoNote coin, payments are anonymous right from the beginning. But one aspect that differentiates Monero and MYCI is that the latter allows for traceable transfers also. These transfers include a quicker lower-fee option for non-sensitive payments, like transferring to/from exchanges.

Why you should use MYCoin for your everyday use?

Here’s a list of features that would give trust to users and encourage them to use MYCoin’s platform and coins.

  • Easy Conversion to fiat for vendors
  • Privacy and Security for your transactions
  • 4-minute blocktime, reducing sync by a factor of four.
  • 1 MB scratchpad allows MYCI to run efficiently on mobile devices
  • So, why wait to be hacked? Get MYCI coins and transact worry-free in MYCoin International’s platform.



MyCoin International
MyCoin International

Mycoin International is building a bridge between the cryptocurrency world and the real world.