Interview with Software Developer Christian Kordes

Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2018

Last week, we met Dominik Fladung, who works within the software development team. This week, we are meeting a man who works alongside him and Tobias Fröhlich. The software development team is working hard to bring you the best experience we can. Christian Kordes, who you will be meeting today, is an integral part of this process.

Turning a passion into a profession

Christian started early with some impressive programming skills, “my first programming experience was on a Commodore 64,” he says, “I self-programmed a simple program to operate a robot arm when I was 10.” Building on this experience, Christian started creating websites in the 90’s, first as a hobby and then for close friends. “The first professional website I created was for a dental practice,” he tells me, “I also dabbled in developing filing programs and such.”

After training as a draftsman, Christian started to program for CAD applications and had his first contact with C#. “For a few years, I worked as a technical admin in network technology,” Christian says, “then, I moved on to being a robot and SPS programmer.” He then retrained as an IT Specialist in the field of application development at the IT academy Dr Heuer. By turning his passion into a profession, Christian now works as a software developer at both FKT42 and Mycro.

Building with Mycro

“The conversion of the still young blockchain technology into something useful, the Mycro app,” he tells me, “that’s really important to me.” It’s clear that the technical challenges are Christian’s passion, what he loves about Mycro. “Working with the smart contracts, the blockchain and the app,” he enthuses, “and bringing them into symbiosis is a delightful challenge for me!”

“I work on implementing the app, the blockchain, smart contracts,” Christian tells me, “as well as the synchronisation between the blockchain and the app.” His skill lies in tackling the technical problems that arise within the software development team. Using his years of programming knowledge, he can develop a solution for any technical issue the team run into.

“Mycro is going to take over the world,” Christian tells me, “they will be the market leaders in their field!” Christian’s passion lies in bringing an app to the Mycro community that they can readily accept and use just as much as Mycro do. Finally, one last question, just the same as for everyone else.

“Arrange a holiday,” Christian laughs, “and get someone to clear out my cellar while I’m away!” “Get someone to wash my two cars, get someone to go shopping for me,” he continues, “and get someone else to go clothes shopping with my wife!” Christian already has the work, our community is ready to complete the work, we just need the platform. Mycro is working hard to complete the platform so that together, we can bring balance to all of our time and money.

Christian has an unmatched passion and ability to best any technical issue he meets. He’s ready to put jobs on the platform and is working hard on the platform so he can. We’ll be bringing you another team member introduction next week until then get involved with the community at the social media links below!

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