Interview with Software Developer Tobias Pitzschke

Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2018

Last week, we met Christian Kordes, who works for FKT42 and as a software developer for Mycro. Today, we meet Tobias Pitzschke whose career trajectory has been similar to Christian’s. The software development team is the core part of the Mycro team, they are working hard to ensure that the Mycro platform is the best in the market. Tobias is a crucial member of the team.

A spark of interest

“My interest in programming was sparked when I was young,” Tobias tells me, “a friend was creating a website, and I was fascinated.” This interest drove Tobias’s education, he trained as an Information Technology Assistant at Leo Sympher vocational college. “From there, I took my studies to Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences,” he says, “where I graduated with a BSc in Computer Science in 2016.”

In May 2016, Tobias joined FKT42 as a software developer. “When I was in University, I started coding numerous apps,” Tobias says, “I never finished them, they’re still unfinished.” Tobias found the structure and leadership he needed when he joined FKT42. “Since I started there,” he says, “I’ve successfully completed several applications.”

Working for Mycro

After working for FKT42 for a year and a half, Tobias joined Mycro as a software developer. “I’m all about technical implementation,” Tobias beams, “once we’ve identified a function for the app, I figure out how to make it work!” Like many at Mycro, Tobias is a blockchain enthusiast; however, he respects that many people aren’t. “The thing I love about my role at Mycro,” he says, “is turning the blockchain into something tangible and understandable for non-enthusiasts.”

Working at Mycro, Tobias is, of course, going to have a favourable view of the future for the company. Nevertheless, it’s always good to hear such a bright vision. “Mycro is a pioneer,” Tobias says, “they are going to advance the very blockchain itself!” “Not only that,” he continues, “they will establish an emerging market with useful blockchain applications.”

Given such a passion for the future of Mycro, Tobias is ready to put the community to work as soon as the platform is available. “My cellar needs to be cleared out!” he laughs. “Also, I could do with someone dragging my sofa out of the house,” he says, “and straight to the tip!”

Tobias is a vital part of the software development team. The last couple of weeks, we have better been able to understand the team behind the platform. Has finding out more about the team inspired more confidence in you for Mycro? Jump onto the social media links below and let us know!

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