Official Duel Cup UTC 7:00 am September 13th Start!!

mori | DJT
MCH | My Crypto Heroes
6 min readSep 9, 2019

This Duel Cup will be held only in the “Challenge Cup”.

Pre-entry start time (Common)

UTC September 13th 6:00 (Fri) -


UTC September 13th at 7:00 (Fri). — September 15th 6:00 (Sun).


*Challenge Cup is a regulation for beginner users to experience Duel Cup.

Available Heroes & Extensions

Hero: Novice
Original Extension:Uncommon / Common
Replica Hero: RepC
(Up to 1 unit)
Repida Extension:RepC / RepD / RepE / RepF

Hero Stamina



Trophy : No
Original Extension:”Pen
1-15th:Novice Pen (Common)

Winners Point:○

Official Duel Cup Entry

(1)How to enter the Official Duel Cup
You can enter the Official Duel Cup from the “Battle” → “Duel Cup” banner.

(2) Organize teams that can participate in each tournament.
You can enter the competition by selecting 3 heroes (9 heroes for 9 on 9 Battles) according to the rules.
You can use only the heroes and extensions specified in the competition. The extension can be set on the team formation screen after the competition entry.

(3) Available Heroes and Extensions
You can use only the heroes and extensions specified in the competition. The extensions can be set on the team formation screen after the competition entry. *
You can make an entry 1 hour before the tournament starts.

Battles and Attack Count (number of battles) Update Timings

During the Duel Cup period, you can battle as many as Attack Count.
Select your opponent in the duel cup top and press the battle button to fight.
When you fight, you consume the stamina specified in each competition.

When it comes to the update timing described below, regardless of the number of remaining battles,
The Attack Count is reset to “0/7”.
*Attack Count Update Timings
UTC (Fri) 7: 00 ~ (Sat) 00: 00/Attack Count 7
UTC (Sat) 00: 00 ~ (Sat) 12: 00/Attack Count 7
UTC (Sat) 12: 00 ~ (Sun) 00: 00/Attack Count 7
UTC (Sun) 00: 00 ~ (Sun) 6: 00/Attack Count 7

*You can challenge 7 battles per renewal time and up to 28 battles during the Duel Cup.
*The final day (Sunday) is 7 times including the number of battles during the Super Oni Time.

Battling conditions with the same opponent

During the tournament, you will not be able to fight against the opponent who won on the offensive side.
*If you lose, you can fight again as many times as you want.

the update time of the ranking

At the following times, the ranking list and Duel Point,
The total damage value is updated to the most recent state.
UTC (Sat) 00: 00/12: 00
UTC (Sun) 00: 00/5: 30/5: 35/5: 40 /5: 45 / 5:50 / 5: 55

*The last day at 5: 30–6: 00 is 8: Super Demon Time.
*From the start of Duel Cup until the first ranking update is carried out,
The order and the duel point are displayed as “-”.
*The ranking list is not updated/reflected on the first day of the event.

method for determining the same priority

The higher the dwell point you earned, the higher it is.
If the score of Duel Point is the same, the higher the battle “Total amount of HP damage given” on the attacking side is, the higher the score.
*Battles in defense are not covered.
As an exception judgment, if both the duel point and the total damage are exactly the same, it is considered as “the same arrival”, and if both are within the order of the award, they are both eligible for the reward.

real-time update information

The ranking list itself is not updated until a certain amount of time has elapsed.
“own provisional rank”, “his interim Duel Point”, “his own battle log”, “Other users’ battle logs” and “own total damage” are updated/reflected in real-time in the window of my info on the top page of Duel Cup.

*It is a provisional rank, and the result is actually reflected.
The timing that other users see is the update time of the ranking.
*The battle log can be viewed at any time regardless of the update time of the ranking.
(* However, it is excluded during the super oni time.)

Super ONI time

We set special rules for the last 30 minutes of the Official Duel Cup.

(1) It will take 10 mins as a cool down to challenge after the match. (So you can only fight at most 3 times in the last 30 mins)

(2) Decrease of Duel Point will be twice than usual when you lose.

(3) Can’t see other players match.

(4) The ranking display is updated only once every 5 minutes. [NEW!]

- The display of “Rank” and “Duel Point” will be fixed for both you and your opponent during each 5 minutes. “Record” and “History” are only updated as a result of your attack.

- The duel point difference with the opponent is calculated based on the fixed displayed point. (In other words, during the 5 minutes, the battle is always the same point)

- Every 5 minutes, all battle results performed during that time will be totaled and the display will be updated.

Following these wallet apps are recommended to use for Official Duel Cup

・MCH App

*You can participate the Match with other wallet, but we can’t make it sure that will work without any problems.

Team Edit

The Official Duel Cup needs to have a dedicated team.
By pressing the “Join” button on the duel screen, team edit for the duel becomes possible.

How the Duel Point will change

Duel point you get will be changed only when you challenge to other players, it won’t be changed with defensive battle. And Duel point will be reset for every match. See the table down below.

Winners Point

  • Winners Point will be accumulated following the ranking of the Official Duel Cup.
  • This point will be last at the end of 2019, and the acquired point will be added every time you participate in the match. ( it is expected to be reset at the end of 2019)
  • That point will bring you the right of participation for special Match or Yearly rewards.
  • The following Winners Points can be obtained for each Duel.
  • The following point table will be used if the Winners Point will be obtained in both of the two games held at Double Dragons.
  • This time, you will use the following point table.

Please check the button below(inside of the red circle).

— — —
*The content of announcement is subject to change.

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