Events in February(*Feb 20th update)

MCH | My Crypto Heroes
3 min readJan 28, 2020

(*Feb 20th update)
-We have canceled the schedule for "Tezuka collaboration node starts" in the Mar 2nd(Mon).
-We changed the Colosseum β schedule.
-We changed "Trade Marker: Want to buy function" schedule.

This is the official announcement for the events in February.


  • Announcement: New land extensions
  • Jan 31st(Fri): WP node: Blockchain starts
  • Jan 31st(Fri): Extension of Sun Shangxiang Campaign at Prime.


Week 1<Feb 3rd(Mon)-Feb 9th(Sun)>

  • Feb 3rd(Mon): Land nodes end
  • Feb 3rd(Mon): Land Battle Season 13 starts
  • Feb 7th(Fri)-Feb 9th(Sun) Official Duel Cup
    *We will use regulation which you can use high rarity assets like “Quad Dragons”
  • Feb 7th (Fri): WP node: Blockchain ends

Week 2<Feb 10th(Mon)-Feb 16th(Sun)>

  • Feb 10th(Mon): Normal nodes 1.6 end
  • Feb 10th(Mon): Node Bagel starts
  • Feb 10th(Mon): Land nodes 1.2 start
  • Feb 10th(Mon): Hero sale ends
  • Feb 13th(Thu): Raid Valentine version

Week 3<Feb 17th(Mon)-Feb 23rd(Sun)>

  • Feb 17th(Mon):Normal nodes 1.7 starts

Week 4<Feb 24th(Mon)-Mar 1st(Sun)>

  • Feb 24th(Mon): Tezuka collaboration node starts (2nd)
    →We have changed the schedule on Mar 2nd(Mon). (*Feb 20th update)
  • Feb 25th(Tue):Hero sale


  • Colosseum β Free play
    →Coliseum β2 has already been implemented.(*Feb 20th update)
  • Colosseum β2
    →Colosseum β3 has started today(Feb 20th).(*Feb 20th update)
  • Trade Marker: Want to buy function
    →We changed the schedule of the Trade to Want to buy feature in March.(*Feb 20th update)

From the MCH producer RimoP to everyone

Hello MyCryptoHeroes players!
This is RimoP, the MyCryptoHeroes producer.

From Jun 31st(Fri), WP node: Blockcain will start. Thank you for long waiting! WP node is a special node. We show our appreciation to the players who have enjoyed official Duel Cups from the official release to Dec 20th 2019.
There are a lot of attractive contents like only one limited legendary extension and the firstly appeared ghost heroes. We hope that you can enjoy the special node!

For hero sale, considering the current demand and supply, we will adjust the sale schedule to avoid oversupply.
So, after the current sale(Lancelot, Grigori Rasputin, Jean-Henri Fabre, and Sun Ce) finish, we will suspend hero sale for two weeks.
*You can also use Sun Ce in the “Brave Frontier Heroes” that will be released in Jun 30th.
*You can purchase novis heroes.

We have two major topics in February. The first one is node update, the other is Colosseum official release.
For node update, Land nodes ver1.2 will end on Feb 3rd, and ver1.3 will start on Feb 10th. For normal nodes, ver1.6 will end on Feb 10th, and ver1.7 will start on Feb 17th. We will close normal nodes for a week but we will open the beginner node:Bagel. Please enjoy the node:Bagel.

Finally, I would like to express many thanks to all attendees in Colosseum β. Now, we are adjusting balance and developing rules based on Colosseum β. We will release Colosseum β in February and we will provide Colosseum β Free play before the official release. Colosseum β Free play are almost same contents as Colosseum β, but there is no reward. Please play Colosseum β Free play for the preparation to the official release.

We hope that you will keep enjoying MyCryptoHeroes.

— — — —

*The content of announcement is subject to change.

We hope that you will keep enjoying MyCryptoHeroes.

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